Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog # 3

Please respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.

1.  Many say this novel embodies the battle between good and evil.  Give one concrete example of this battle in the novel.

2.  The individual vs. the whole is frequently discussed in One Day... Please give a specific example of this and who won?  The person or the group?

3.  There is "camp justice" and justice.  Which one is more "just" in your opinion?  How might this be ironic? (It doesn't have to be).

4.  Shukhov has been unjustly sent to prison.  That is difficult to argue against.  When have you ever felt that you've been unjustly treated, yet you had no choice but to take it?

Due: Tuesday, 9.20


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  3. 1."He lived in a separate cabin- what else did he want?"(Solzhenitsyn 100) Der is questioning and picking Turin's authority by doing whatever he wants. This shows that the hardworking Turin represents the good and the Der messing around represents the evil.

    2."What made this recounting so infuriating was that the time wasted on it was the zek's own, not the authorities"(Solzhenitsyn 109) It is the individual are not treated as Individual but as a tool for the group. Therefore, the group gets more advantages.

    3."Camp justice" and Justice has different standard of justice, "Camp justice" does not follow moral justice, but to have own just and rules. However, Justice does not apply in Camp but everywhere

    4.Its unjust how my mom can spend a lot of money but I can't!

  4. Obviously, battle in prison would be prisoners against chiefs.
    "Why are you using such a thin layer of mortar?" (Solzhenitsyn 99).

    It is after Der failed to pick on Turin and he found someone else to pick on. Shukhov. It is ironic to say prisoners are good and chiefs are evil but if you think about it. All they do are working to feel like they are not prisoners and they would like to feel normal even when they are in prison but chiefs are not participating.

    "Your time for giving terms has passed, you bastard. If you say one word, you bloodsucker, it'll be your last day on earth. Remember that" (Solzhenitsyn 98).

    Der was the chief who could pick on prisoners but because all the prisoners and squad leader gathered. Der could not do anything but walked away.

    Camp justice would be very much different than justice because wherever you go they have their own rules. Basically, depending on place. I would say both of them are right. As I said the justice just changes depending on place. Therefore, I do not think it is ironic at all.

    I am sure everyone had this kind of experience but for me, I once had to go to police station for stealing but it was not actually me stealing. It was my friends and they were showing me what they had stole and I got caught at that moment. My friends ran away but I could not tell their names and say it was not me. So I just took the all guilt.

  5. 1. "He was afraid for Tiurin. To the squad Tiurin was a father; for them he was a pawn. Up in the North they readily gave squad leaders a second term for a thing like this."(page 97) Shukhov was worried about Tiurin because Der(evil) shouted to Tiurin and said what he did.

    2. "What made this recounting so infuriating was the the time wasted on it was the zeus' own, not the authorities." (109)
    It is individual vs because zeks had crowded forward again when tally the everyone and they wasted time for counting and arguing so the groups of soldiers have to work only little time.

    3. "camp justice" is just for inner side of justice but justice is for outside and more widely and its not for in camp so for more justice is "justice".

    4. When you had a argument between your brothers, if you are the older brother and if situation was worst for you but it's not your fault, from the situation, everyone will think it's your fault and no choices because your younger brother will make you more worst.

  6. 1) I think the small fights between the prisoners embodies the battle between good and evil. "Give me a man to work with. I won't go on working with this shit" (Solzhenitsyn, 95). One side would be the good, who obeys things right, and evil would be the the ones who goes against.

    2)The prisoners vs the chiefs. "' Hey, one hundred and fourth,' came a shout. 'Your death guy's fake. We just testd him." Everyone laughed. The guards too" (Solzhenitysn, 107).

    3)I think camp justice is, just in a way, since it is in that situation. The "camp justice" is just, but for me, personally not, since I'm not in the same situation as Ivan.

    4)When I was in a fight with my sister, I felt that I was been unjustly treated. Since she is my older sister, she got to decide everything when my parents wasn't around, and I thought that was unfair. Also, since she is the oldest, she always got to get the first, best things but I was not able to go against since I am younger than her.

    Suzu Hiroyama
    Literature A2

  7. Many say this novel embodies the battle between good and evil. Give one concrete example of this battle in the novel.
    One example of a concrete battle in the novel is the War, World War ii. The bad was Germany who were trying to take over Russia and Russia was fighting Germany from them invading.

    2. The individual vs. the whole is frequently discussed in One Day... Please give a specific example of this and who won? The person or the group?
    In one part there is where Der and Tiurin have an argument. After Der says a comment to Tiurin, Tiurin had threatened him and he had backed down because of what Tiurin said and also that he saw how everyone else would have backed him up. They would have had his back because Tiurin is like a father to them.

    3. There is "camp justice" and justice. Which one is more "just" in your opinion? How might this be ironic? (It doesn't have to be).
    Justice isn’t really for the camp but more for the outside world of the camp because it doesn’t really follow that much in the camp. Although there may be some people that do follow it.

    4. Shukhov has been unjustly sent to prison. That is difficult to argue against. When have you ever felt that you've been unjustly treated, yet you had no choice but to take it?
    I have had many at time were I felt unjustly though I know everybody has to. Some that I remember right now not exactly specific events but an example that I have is when I have an argument with my mom or another person but its to the point where you know they wont give up and you know you cant really win anymore so you have to give it up even though it not really fair for me.

  8. 1 Der and Turin, how Turin showing how nice he ism but Der just like a evil person represents the people around him
    2 "Hey, one hundred and fourth,' came a shout. 'Your death guy's fake. We just testd him." Everyone laughed. The guards too" (Solzhenitysn, 107). this quote show the group of them just laugh at the person they think is funny, but actually not.
    3 i will chose camp justice, because camp justice are more fit in this novel,and it was in Ivan.
    4 If you have any sister or brother, there is a lot of time is not fair, once my mom bought the stuff for me and my older sister, and we both like the same one, and she just took it, because she think she is order than me, so she had more right to chose it first, and it wasn't fair at all, but once you stop fight with others, you feel better, and you will think thee is not point to fight with your sister, try to be nice to everyone.

  9. 1. There were many battles in this story, but one of them in the section was the battle between Tiurin's squad and Der. Der wasn't the nicest guy on the work site, when the roof that Tiurin's squad made fell Der consider thins a criminal offense. Although they want to defense themselves but they know that they don't have the right.
    2. Again, Der against the Tiurin squad. “This isn't a matter for the guardhouse. This is a criminal offense, Tiurin. You'll get a third term for this” (Solzhenitsyn 97). This made Tiurin every upset, and made him stand up for his own squad. To the squad, Tiurin was like a father to them.
    3. Justice is a more wide rang of meaning. “Camp Justice” was just justice in a specific place. In another word, Camp Justice is a small part of Justic so I don't believe there are any ironic aspect to it.
    4. When I was little, my dad was more nicer to my sister. When my sister and I made a mistake, it was always only me that gets blame. I was too young that time so I don't know how should I argue my case but to me, that was totally unfair. Even until today, I'm still kind of mad at my dad for treated me so unfairly back in those days.

  10. 1. The Small fights between the prisoners embodies the battle between good and evil. Tiurin is like a father to the prisoners. Shukhov was worried about Tiurin because Der, evil, shouted at him and said what he did.

    2. It is the individual who are not treated as individual for tools for the groups. There’s more advantage to the groups. “What made this recounting so infuriating was that the time wasted on it was the zek’s own, not the authorities” (Solzhenitsyn 109).

    3. Camp justice and justice are different. Camp justice is just inner justice; on the other hand, justice is for outside and more wildly used. Camp justice is within the camp.

    4. I have an older brother. We always fight, and my parents always treat my brother nicer than me. I guess having a brother or sister is not fare. You have to respect your brother and do things he says. Even if I don’t like it, I have to do what he says, no matter what.

  11. 1. the fight between tiurin and der seemed to show this, because tiurin was working for the whole group and der was just talking trash to all the people who were working hard.
    2. i think in the part where tiurin fights with der, shukhov explains that tiurin was a father like person for the squad, because he cared for the squad. so i think the squad (group) won.
    3. "camp justice" is when you have just towards the rules in the camp, but at times the rules in the camp is not true justice. i think that this is the irony, that "camp justice" can be justice in one area, but from the larger view it could be the complete opposite. from my oppinion i think that it is perspectives, if i was living in the camp i would go for camp justice.
    4.well once i had a friend that did something wrong and because i didnt stop him/her i had to go through the same concequence, at that time i thought it was unfair but at the same time i felt that i had no choice but to let that in and face tha concequences.

    jun ogawa A1

  12. 1. Example will be battle between Der and Shukhov. "You're a mason. Listen to what a foreman has to tell you,"(Solzhenitsyn 99)
    2.The group won. The squad tried to see "fails" on prisoner's work, but Tiurin and prisoners' individual hard work showed that the squad had no rights to say.
    3. In my opinion, justice is more broad concept that appears everywhere not just inside of camp. On the other hand, "camp justice" is just to have their own rules.
    4. When I got in to fight with my brother, my parents always stood on my brother's side just because I am older than him.

  13. 1) one concrete example of this battle in the novel is battle between Tiurin's squad and Der. Tiurin shows good thing and Der shows that he messed around and it’s evil.

    2) I’m not sure but I think the group won because ' Hey, one hundred and fourth,' came a shout. 'Your death guy's fake. We just testd him." Everyone laughed. The guards too" (Solzhenitysn, 107).

    3) There is big difference between “Camp justice” and justice. Camp justice is in the camp. Justice is more outside of the world so I don’t think it’s for inside of the camp. Camp justice is in the camp.

    4) I felt unjustly so many times before like when I fight with my younger brother and sister, I always tell them to listen to me and I say “Because I’m the oldest, because I’m the biggest, and because I’m the… just lease here…

  14. 1. This novel embodies good and evil as Shukhov and the prisoners being the good and the guards and the camp itself being the evil. Fights between the prisoners and the guards, like the fight between Der and Tiurin, exemplify this idea. Also Lieutenant Volkovoy really depicts evil because he always carry whip around.

    2. The individual vs. the whole was shown when Der picked on Tiurin. Although Der started to pick on Tiurin, Tiurin had all the prisoners support at the back so he threat Der as he “turned pale and edged away from the ramp” (Solzhenitsyn 98). In this case, the group won.

    3. “camp justice” would be the justice only in the camp and justice would be the normal justice or righteousness that you should follow in moral sense. These two can be ironic since something can be a good thing or bad thing depending on your perspective or the place you are in. For example, among your friends, it might be justice to cover up a friend that cheated in a test but it would not be justice if you think it in moral sense.

    4. I felt I was treated unjustly when I was told that I cheated on my test when I did not. Only because I smiled at my friend who was acting weird during the test, I was misunderstood that we were telling each other answers and got a zero. Although it was kind of unfair, I couldn’t do anything about it because I knew we weren’t supposed to slack off and play during the test.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  15. 1.“'The bookkeepers! I've got a whole squad sweating to keep those four measons at work. How much do you think we'll earn'” (Solzhenitsyn 100). In this part, Tiurin and Der is having a conflict about each others ideas. Tiurin is the good one and Der is the bad one.

    2.“Hundreds of throats booing you at once, and cursing you up and down” (Solzhenitsyn 107). The group won because they have more power to give pressure to an individual because of their numbers.

    3.I think “justice” is more just than “camp justice” because in “camp justice”, rules are decided in their camp and some people may not think it as fair. However, most people agrees with what “justice” says because it is everyone's common knowledge.

    4. When I was young, I was treated unjustly by my parents. My cousin was clever and she tricked them without making them notice about it. However, my parents always thought I did it.

  16. 1) The battle between good and evil to me were the battle between Tiurin and Der. Back then, Tiurin was a nice guy but when he changed, everything changed. “Tiurin was bawling out someone else down below”(Solzhenitsyn 96)
    2) The guard between the prisons is a battle between an individual and a whole group of prisoners. The guards always wins in, the situation, “this recounting so infuriating was that the time wasted on it was the zeks’ own, not the authorities’”(Solzhenitsyn 109).
    3) Camp Justice do not define their name because for me justice means freedom and equality among others. In the camp is a different story, where the camp has rules that is not equal that just made the name useless.
    4) For me the Cheria concert. I was not that exited about the concert nor that I cant get any EIR credit for that. For me that's just the unjust that

  17. 1,The example of good and evil would be the relation between Tiurin and Der. Tiurin was a known as a gentleman but he changed as story progresses. “Tiurin was bawling out someone else down below”( Solzhenitsyn 96).
    2, "What made this recounting so infuriating was that the time wasted on it was the zek's own, not the authorities"(Solzhenitsyn 109) explains the individual who are not treated equally.
    3, “Camp justice” and “justice” are different camp justice is just inner and justice is for outside and more outside use.
    4,I have a young sister, whenever we fight, my parents treat my sister better because she’s younger and weaker than me.

  18. 1.the state of good vs. evil is shown in this book by the example of Shukhov and Fetiukov. The good person, or who has prude and respect others will get what they deserve, also for the evil people, if they have no patience and only thinking about them selves, they will get the punishment such as not getting cigarets.
    2. The example for this question is when Shukhov escaped from the German power, and went back to the Soviet union. The Soviet power didn't believe Shukhov that he really escaped from the German, and they thought he was the spy of the Germans. They said that if there were more than five people with them, the soviets are g ping to believe them. The groupe won, but if Shukhov was in the group of five, he might have won. The power of group is obviously stronger than the individual.
    3.the ironic part of the camp justice is that they are only recognized and justified within the inside of the camp, and no one else will notice or make the occurance as justice. The stronger justice is "justice" for my opinion, because as I said, no matter you made a good Rossi ion for something, or helped someonebwithin the camp, no one will knowtice. But for justice, like catching the bad guy and throw him in to the gulag will be justice, and recognized from everyone in then"out side world".
    4. When the teacher calls my name for nothing. Like once, I was looking at the person who were talking in front of the class and the person looked at me, and he laughed for no reason and the teacher thought I was the one who made him laugh so he called me and told me to stop what I'm doing. I couldn't say anything because I was too surprised and didn't know why I was being yelled.
