Monday, February 6, 2012

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Blog # 3

Please read Ch. 16 & 17 and respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes as support when stipulated.

1.  Henry and Dorian are superlative conversationalists.  The Duchess, however, is quite adept as well.  Cite one of her strongest lines.  Use a direct quotation.

2.  Why does Dorian faint?

3.  How does Henry Describe women?  Use a quote.  What does it mean?

4.  How does Dorian escape being murdered and by whom?  Be very specific in your response.  How has the portrait saved him?

5.  Why, at the age of 60, was the Duchess's husband jaded?  Look up jaded.  Is this natural as people grow older?  Why?

6.  Lord Henry says, "To be popular one must be a mediocrity" (165).  Compare this expression to the mathematical acronym: LCD (Least Common Denominator).

Due: Thursday, 2.9


  1. A2 Literature

    1. “women rule the world. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all” (Wilde 188).

    2. Dorian fainted because he saw the face of James Vane watching him through the window.

    3. Lord Henry says that women are “Like all good reputations” (Wilde, 188). He means that women dose whatever they can do to make their husband or their man happy, and they do that over and over.

    4. James, Sibyl’s brother, was chasing after Dorian because James wanted to kill Dorian because his sister died because of Dorian. However Dorian was able to escape because he did not age and instead his portrait was aging. Therefore, Dorian told James that person who you are looking for should not be me because Dorian still looked young and it has been eighteen years since death of Sibyl.

    5. I think it is natural for age of 60 people jaded. This is because they are simply old, they experienced enough that they do not be excited or interested in things anymore. It is like a five year old kid enjoys watching cartoon while I do not.

    6. I searched meaning of LCD in not mathematical meaning and it meant most basic. Quote that Lord Henry said means, in order for someone to become famous others have to be basic, just like LCD, so that one can stand out and be different.

  2. 1. Henry and Dorian are superlative conversationalists. The Duchess, however, is quite adept as well. Cite one of her strongest lines. Use a direct quotation.
    “ Ah! Then you never really love, Mr. Gray,”(Wilde 188)
    “ And does his philosophy make you happy?” (Wilde 189)

    2. Why does Dorian faint?
    Dorian fainted because he remembered that he saw James Vane watching him.
    3. How does Henry Describe women? Use a quote. What does it mean?
    “ A women will with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on.” (wilde 195) Lord Henry is saying that every women will flirt with anyone as long as their giving attention to them only.
    4. How does Dorian escape being murdered and by whom? Be very specific in your response. How has the portrait saved him?
    Dorian escapes being murdered by lying and he gets away from James Vane Sibyl’s brother the one who said that if Dorian ever hurted Sibyl he will kill him. James was about to kill Dorian but Dorian lied to him and said he is not the one is he was why would he still look young the person James should be killing was a man that looked much older than him.
    The portrait has saved him because in the portrait he looks nothing like the art. In the portrait he looks old and terrifying but in reality he still looks like a young man.

    5. Why, at the age of 60, was the Duchess's husband jaded? Look up jaded. Is this natural as people grow older? Why?
    I think that for some people it is natural as they grow older because they have expierenced many of the things that we are already and the fact that they had experienced all the ups and downs they get curious to be vicarious.

    6. Lord Henry says, "To be popular one must be a mediocrity" (165). Compare this expression to the mathematical acronym: LCD (Least Common Denominator).
    Comparing this expression to LCD means that like how Lord Henry says sometimes being plainfully average you stand out the most.

  3. 1."Women rule the world" (wilde 188).
    2. Dorian faints because he sees james vane looking at him throught the window
    3."A women will with anybody in the world" (wilde 195). This quote is saying that women would go for anyone in the world.
    4. The man that was after Dorian, is sibyls brother, james. He was after dorian because of the death of sibyl. Dorian was able to get away from this by lying that it was not because of himself. He used the portrait and said that, because the death of Sibyl was very long ago, it would have been impossible to keep his beauty like he is now.
    5.i think its natural, because its a way of use growing old. Through the experience and knowledge, we start to understand stuff without going through them. and people just start to lose interest in things. having everything plain, helps things that are a little higher stand out. for example, if theres 10 kids in red t shirts, but one kid in a white tshirt, even though the white shirt is a really plain color, it stands out because the surroundings are very "plain"

    jun ogawa a1

  4. 1. Responding on what Lord Henry said he insists that “women rule the would. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you every love at all” (Wilde 188). She supports women.

    2. He saw the face of James Vane pressed against the conservatory window. Since he had experienced a life-threatening event with James Vane, I think he was scared.

    3. As he responds to Duchess’s challenge he said that women are “Sphynxes without secrets” (Wilde 190). He also looks down towards women by saying that “women are not always allowed a choice” (Wilde 190). From these quote, we can tell that he believes men are superior and that he doesn’t want to give any freedom in speech to women.

    4. Dorian was about to be killed by Sibyl’s brother, James Vane. He heard Dorian being called as Prince Charming and realized it was him who killed Sibyl. He was pointed by gun and was about to be killed but he explained using his young looking face that he cannot be that old to kill women eighteen years ago. James believed him and withdrew his gun. Since the portrait sucked all his age, he looked the same as the time when he killed Sibyl.

    5. When you are jaded, that is to not have interest or losing interest because something has been experienced too many times. I think it is natural for 60 years old to be jaded. Since they have lived for a long time and have already went through a lot of ups and downs, it is harder for them to be enthusiastic about anything. They would be calmer about everything.

    6. In order to become popular, firstly you would have to be extremely normal to be a part of the group. If you were weird, people would look you in a different way or discriminate you from the first place. Also in order to be popular you would have to have a lot of connection with others or have to have the ability to be friends with others like the numbers in LCD. LCD’s are numbers that are in common among group of numbers. Therefore, LCD and the quote from Lord Henry explain the same things.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  5. 1. “That is your error, Harry, believe me. You value beauty far too much” (Wilde 186).
    “and women rule the world. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. … we women… love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes” (Wilde 188).
    2. Dorian Gray fainted because, he saw James Vane watching him.
    3. “A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on” (Wilde 195). This means that Henry thinks all women are flirtier when there are people watching, to show. He is saying that women take men easy.
    4. Dorian escaped by James Vane, who is Sibyl’s younger brother and swore that he would kill Dorian, if he had hurt Sibyl is any way. Dorian escaped by being killed by using his “youth”, young look. He said that he would have being older and would have being changed, after eighteen years of long time. The portrait had saved his life by changing, how angry, ugly and evil it looked.
    5. I would say “jaded” is natural, as people grow older. Because you get wiser and get to know more about life, which makes you get used to one thing once you experience them several times.
    6. This could also be explained in artistic view. When there is an art work done with many bright and shiny colors, such as gold, yellow, orange, pink, and blue, then you would probably look at the usual plain “blue”, before a great shiny “gold”. This is because; the color blue is a common color, but still stands out in that area, by being different.

  6. 1. “women rule the world. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all” (Wilde 188).
    2. Dorian fainted because he saw James Vane looking at him through the window.
    3. "A women will with anybody in the world" (wilde 195). These words mean that women would go for anyone in the world.
    4. Dorian escapes from James Vane Sibyl’s brother, who tries to kill Dorian, who said that if Dorian ever hurts Sibyl he will kill him. James was about to kill Dorian but Dorian lied to him and said he is not the one is he was why would he still look young the person James should be killing was a man that looked much older than him.
    The portrait has saved him because in the portrait he looks nothing like the art. In the portrait he looks old and terrifying but in reality he still looks like a young man.
    5. It is natural for some people to grow or look older depending on their experiences. People also start to lose interest in things they experienced.
    6. LCD means the most basic. If you want to be famous or popular, you have to be unique from others. For instance, if everyone wears nike, you can wear addidas, puma or other brands beside nike to be unique.

  7. 1)“Women rule the world”(Wilde 165).
    2)Dorian faints because he saw James vane was looking at him from the window.
    3)“”How found women are of doing dangerous things!” laughed Lord Henry .”It is one of the qualities in them that I admire most. A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on”(Wilde 172). This quote shows that women has a power to flirt with anybody in the world. Just by good looking.
    4)James was chasing Dorian because Sibyl suicided because of him, so he wanted to kill Dorian. But Dorian tells a lie, he says that the person who killed Sibyl must be looks older. The portrait looks older than Dorian, but in reality, even after eighteen years, he still looks young guy, so he could just tell lie, and escape.
    5)Yes. I think the age of 60 people jaded, and it is natural.They already had so many experience and as they get older they lose the interest for the things.
    6)Lord Henry meant that peripheral people or things are plain like average but one of them are totally different.

  8. 1) “and women rule the world. I assure you we can't bear mediocrities” (Wilde 188).
    2) He fainted because he thought he saw Jame Vane so he was terrorized.
    3) Lord Henry thinks that women should obey and serve their husband. “Women are not always allowed a choice” (Wilde 190). That women should not have that much right.
    4) Dorian escape from being murdered by tell Jame Vane that he is not Dorian. When Jame was about to kill him, Dorian explain that he can't be Dorian because he looks really young and it has been many years. After that, James released him and walk back into the opium store. The portrait saved him because his face didn't change at all after all these years.
    5) It is natural for 60 years old woman to be jaded. They are very old so they don't have much energy left in them. They already went through a lot in their life so they would like to live the rest of their life peacefully.
    6) Lord Henry meant that if someone wants to be popular then that person have to be normal and the Least Common Denominator mean the number that can be divided by several numbers. I think these two are different because mediocrity could be almost everyone and LCD can be just one.

  9. 1) “Women rule the world… we women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all” (Wilde 188)
    2) Dorian fainted because he saw James Vane. James Vane had promised that if Dorian hurt his sister he would be killed, so he fainted out of fear.
    3) A women is just like a hat, “ all good hats are mode out of nothing” (Wilde 188), it is saying how a good women usually comes from a fairly different and small background, but as she gets older, she gets more recognition.
    4) Dorian escape from being murdered by James Vain whom is Sibyl brother. James had promised that if Prince Charming hurt his sister, he would be killed. He found and almost killed Dorian, but Dorian fooled James by saying the man that you are looking for are not Dorian, because Dorian will still looked young rather than old.
    5) Jaded means tired and bored. This is a common thing as people get older because by then you must have seen everything, giving you the impression of jadedness, because there no more exciting things to do.
    6) LCD meant to be sensible or basic. This is exactly what Lord Henry is saying is, to be seen you need to be simple not to extraordinary, because the people around you are already different and laud, so being simple it sets you apart from all the other unique characters.

  10. 1.“Women rule the world. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all” (Wilde 188). A feminist point of view.
    2.Dorian fainted because “pressed against the window of the conservatory.[...].he had seen the face of James Vane watching him” (Wilde 190).
    3.Lord Henry describes women as inferior to men. Where men are much better than that compared to women. He said “Women are not always allowed a choice” (Wilde 190).
    4.Dorian was about to be murdered with a gun by James Vane for to succeed in his revenge. Dorian asked James when Sibyl died, which was 18 years ago. But after James closely looking at Dorians face, he believed that Dorian is about 20, which he is not the one who killed Sibyl. James who does not know Dorian believes that from Dorians beauty it is not possible he is around 40.
    5.I think it is natural for people to get jaded as they get older. They become bored and goes against change becoming conservatives.
    6.You have to be common amongst lots of people so LCD. To be popular, you need bond with variety of people. If you are weird than you will be out of the group of people.

  11. 1 "We women rule the world. I assure you we can't bear mediocrities. We women as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all" (Wilde 188).

    2 Dorian fainted because he know that he saw James Vane watching Dorian.

    3 "A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on" (Wilde 195) Lord Henry describes woman that woman flirt anybody in the world as long as woman act giving attention to other people.

    4 Dorian escaped by lying and get away from Sibyl's brother, James Vane because he was chasing after Dorian and he try to murder Dorian because he promised to his sister if Dorian hurt Sibyl, James will kill Dorian. Dorian able escape because James remember younger Dorian but Dorian was older and Dorian lied to him.

    5 It is natural because age of 60 is people experienced many of the things enough and they don't interested in things anymore so they get vicarious to find something interesting through someone.

    6 Compare this quotes with LCD, it means that people, things or facts are simple and normal but inside there is one totally different.

  12. 1. “women rule the world. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all” (Wilde, 188).
    2. Dorian fainted because he saw James Vane looking at him through the window.
    3. “A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on” (Wilde, 195). I think it means that woman loves everyone who loves her, so woman changes her mind easily.
    4. James Vain, who was Sibyl Vane's brother, tried to kill Dorian with his revolver. However, Dorian lies to him that he is not the Prince Charming that James is looking for. Portrait saves him because Dorian never gets old. Instead, the portrait ages.
    5. When people love someone and age, they go through stage of ennui which is getting bored with the lover. So, it is natural as people grow older.
    6. He means that in order to become popular, you would have to be just as normal as other people. If you were unique, people would look you in a different way or discriminate you from the first place. Also, you would have to have a lot of connection with others or have to have the ability to be friends with others like the numbers in LCD. LCD’s are numbers that are in common among group of numbers.

  13. 1. "and women rule the world. I assure you can't bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all." (Wilde 188)
    2. He fainted because he saw James Vane through the window, and became afraid because he told Dorian that he's doing to kill him if Dorian hurts Sybil.
    3. "Women are not always allowed a choice,"(Wilde 190) this quote shows that he doesn't give the right to speech for women.
    4. He escaped murder by Sybil's brother James Vane. He has not changed at all since the portrait was drawn, so James thought he was too young to be 38 years old Dorian.
    5. I think it is natural to be jaded if you were living for 60 years, because there's not much new changes, and the things that attracted you when you were young, will no more interests you.

  14. 1.“women rule the world. I assure you we can’t bear mediocrities. We women, as some one says, love with our ears, just as you men love with your eyes, if you ever love at all” (Wilde 188).
    2.Dorian fainted because James Vane was watching from the window.
    3.“ A women will with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on.” (Wilde 195). Lord Henry thought all the women are trying to get the attention from everyone,
    4.Dorian escape o being murdered from James Vane, because he was lying and try to get away from others, to James, he said if Dorian hurts his sister, Sibyl, he will kills him, but James didn’t kill Dorian because Dorian lied to him.
    5.“Jaded” is natural to any of one who is old, because their life became bored.
    6.Compared the quote with LCD, we need to be same as the group, if you are not the part with the group, you need to be out of that.
