Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog # 2 The Picture of Dorian Gray

A1 /A2 Blog # 2 –The Picture of Dorian Gray

Sorry for the late posting - the system has been down
Due: Thursday, 2.2 before class.

Ch. 12
1.            How old did Dorian turn?

2.            Why is Basil so worried about Dorian?

3.            Basil accuses Dorian of ruining several individuals, but what is Dorian’s rebuttal?

4.            What does Basil Say about Dorian’s soul and how does this impact Dorian?

Ch. 13
1.            Give 3 specific Gothic elements from this chapter.



2.  We know Dorian is going wild.  But murder?  Really?  Can you believe he would do it?  And ultimately, why did he do it?

3.  How does Dorian cover up his murder?  Give specific details.  Do you think it was a good plan?


  1. A2 Literature Kei Saya
    Chapter 12

    1. Dorian turned thirty-eight years old.

    2. Basil is worried about Dorian because, Basil heard many terrible rumors about Dorian.

    3. Since Basil hears many bad scandals about Dorian, so he wanted to figure out what exactly happened. On the other hand Dorian “love scandals about other people, but scandals about myself don’t interest” him, so Dorian was annoyed by Basil (Wilde 143).

    4. Basil says that he cannot see Dorian’s soul because Dorian has changed too much. By Basil saying this to Dorian, Dorian was tired of Basil preaching him about who he should be. Therefore Dorian took Basil to the room where he is hiding the portrait and killed Basil.

    Chapter 13
    1. A. “dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man’s head down on the table, and stubbed again and again” (Wilde 151).
    B. “It was wrong. It has destroyed me” (Wilde 150).
    C. “Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, Basil” (Wilde 150).

    2. Dorian changed, he became wilder. Also he is scared and annoyed by Basil because Basil knows too much about him, which he wants to keep it hidden. Therefore Dorian kills Basil so that no one would know his secret.

    3. Dorian killed Basil at the room where he was hiding his portrait, so no one had key to the room. Also Dorian pretended as if he was not home that day and made his servant believe in him, so I think his plan was good.

  2. Ch. 12
    1. How old did Dorian turn?
    Dorian turned 38 years old.
    2. Why is Basil so worried about Dorian?
    Basil is worried about the rumors of Dorian if it is true or not also is worried about how everybody thinks of him.
    3. Basil accuses Dorian of ruining several individuals, but what is Dorian’s rebuttal?
    Dorian’s rebuttal is that him being annoyed at Basil and denying mostly everything he says. He doesn’t listen to the advice that Basil is giving him all he does is shrug at him.
    4. What does Basil Say about Dorian’s soul and how does this impact Dorian?
    Basil says about Dorian’s soul is that he wonders if he knows Dorian because if he is to know Dorian he has to see his soul but only god is able to see it. This impacts Dorian by telling Basil to come see the portrait of himself to see the true soul of himself that he hates.
    Ch. 13
    1. Give 3 specific Gothic elements from this chapter.
    A. “ A cold current of air passed them, and the light shot up for a moment in a flame of murky orange. He shuddered” (Wilde 148).

    B. “ Dorian Gray glanced at the picture, and suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Howard came over him, as though it had been suggested to him by the image on the canvas, whispered into his ear by those grinning lips” (Wilde 151).

    C. “ There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of someone choking with blood” (Wilde 151).

    2. We know Dorian is going wild. But murder? Really? Can you believe he would do it? And ultimately, why did he do it?
    I believe that he would actually murder. Dorian murdered Basil because he knew too much about him and since he knew to much about him it angered him because Basil probably reminded him of the portrait. Also that he did because what Basil was telling he knew that everything he was saying was the truth and he didn’t want to hear it.

    3. How does Dorian cover up his murder? Give specific details. Do you think it was a good plan?
    Dorian covers up his murder by leaving Basil in the attic still sitting on the chair with his head bowed on the table and back humped. Also to cover up and to make a story he told himself that Basil left at 11 to the train at midnight because he was leaving to Paris.
    For a cover up of his murder I think that it was an okay plan not the greatest but enough for others to believe but not enough to hide it forever.

  3. Chapter 12
    1. Dorian turned 38 years old.
    2. Basil is worried about Dorian because he heard lots of bad rumors of Dorian. He wants to know if the rumor is true or not.
    3. Because Basil heard many weird scandals about Dorian, he wanted to figure out what exactly happened. On the other hand Dorian “love scandals about other people, but scandals about myself don’t interest” him, so Dorian was annoyed by Basil” (Wilde 143).
    4. Basil said that Dorian’s soul is that he wonders if he knows Dorian because if he is to know Dorian he has to see his soul but only god is able to see it. This impacts Dorian by telling Basil to come see the portrait of himself to see the true soul of himself that he hates.
    Chapter 13
    A. “It was wrong. It has destroyed me” (Wilde 150).
    B. “Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, Basil” (Wilde 150).
    C. “Dorian Gray glanced at the picture, and suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Howard came over him, as though it had been suggested to him by the image on the canvas, whispered into his ear by those grinning lips” (Wilde 151).
    2. Dorian changed completely; he became wilder and more evil. Plus, Basil knows Dorian too much that he is annoyed and scared at the same time. Eventually, Dorian kills Basil secretly.
    3. Dorian killed Basil in the attic, where Dorian’s portrait is hiding. And to cover up and to make a story he told himself that Basil left at 11 to the train at midnight because he was leaving to Paris.
    For a cover up of his murder I think that it was an okay plan not the greatest but enough for others to believe but not enough to hide it forever.

  4. Ch.12
    1. He turned 38 years old on the 9th of November.
    2. Basil is worried about Dorian, because once, he used to be his only pure, charming and warm hearted person then, but now he is hearing all those harmful rumours from people. When people say something like that, he states that Dorian is a true friend of him, and believes that the rumours are not true, but he is at the same time worried, because all his close friends even say something bad about Dorian, and he really does not wish it to be the truth.
    3. Dorian tries to disproof on the several individuals that Basil pointed by talking about Middle class societies. “middle classes air their moral prejudices over their gross dinner tables, … try and pretend that they are in smart society” (Wilde 144). This quote shows that he wants to state that social classic is what makes people who they are. Therefore, whatever had happened to other around him has nothing to do with himself.
    4. Basil is curious to know the real change in Dorian, since even the close people talk negative about Dorian. But Basil says that he cannot believe it, when he sees Dorian, and to really know if all those negative rumours are true or not he needs to see his soul, but God only can see them. Dorian feels a little frightened that “someone else was to share his secret” (Wilde 146), but then makes fun of it and says that he can show his soul, which I think is the portrait of him.
    1. A. “The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything” (Wilde 151).
    B. “There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of someone choking with blood” (Wilde 151).
    C. “Then he threw the knife on the table, and listened” (Wilde 152).
    2. I wouldn’t image Dorian being a murder and killing his only man who was truly there for him and always wished for his good. What he had done is really a regrettable thing, and all those happened so sudden that I think Dorian never really thought anything before stubbing Basil. I think he did it because, he was just simply afraid that he might spread his only secret that he wants nobody to know.
    3. He covered up his murder by leaving him on the room that no one could ever get in, except for himself, because he has the only key. He also pretended checking the time, and asked his servant, if Basil had visited or not. This is to make them think that he never saw him today and does not know anything, to hide the murder and make up story. I don’t think this is a good plan, but since he has no other way to hide, this is what he has to do.

  5. Ch. 12
    1.            How old did Dorian turn?
    He turned 38years old.

    2.            Why is Basil so worried about Dorian?
    Because Basil heard many Dorian's terrible rumors.

    3.            Basil accuses Dorian of ruining several individuals, but what is Dorian’s rebuttal?
    Dorian said that he "love scandals about other people, but scandals about myself don't interest" so scandals about him is no interest.

    4.            What does Basil Say about Dorian’s soul and how does this impact Dorian?
    Basil said that Dorian changed a lot so he cannot see Dorian's soul and he wants to see Dorian's soul as a good for Dorian but Dorian said to Basil that see true soul through his portrait that he hates.

    Ch. 13
    1.            Give 3 specific Gothic elements from this chapter.
                A."He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man's head down on the table, and stabbing again and again" (Wilde 151).

                B."There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of some one choking with blood" (Wilde 151).

                C."I was wrong. It has destroyed me"(Wilde 150).

    2.  We know Dorian is going wild.  But murder?  Really?  Can you believe he would do it?  And ultimately, why did he do it?
    I believe he is a murder. Dorian killed Basil because he knew too much about Dorian which made Dorian annoyed and never want to tell anyone about his secret so he killed Basil for that.

    3.  How does Dorian cover up his murder?  Give specific details.  Do you think it was a good plan?
    Only that time would be a good plan but later on, someone will think it's weird and it will be exposed by someone anyway later. Dorian killed Basil at the secret room where hiding his portrait so no one has the key to open and he covered up his murder by telling to servant to believed that Basil was not home that day.

  6. Chapter 12

    1)He turned to 38 years old on the 9th of Nov.
    2)Basil was really close to Dorian and he was his pure young men, but after Basil heard the rumors from people, he starts to worry and he didn’t believe that rumors, he disagree to those people.
    3)Dorian’s rebuttal is that he doesn’t listen Basil. Every time when he talks, he disagree about that.
    4) The people spread the rumors about Dorian, and Basil did not want to believe that. So he wanted to see Dorian’s soul to figure out if the rumors are true, but only God can see it.

    Chapter 13
    A. “ Dorian Gray glanced at the picture, and suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Howard came over him, as though it had been suggested to him by the image on the canvas, whispered into his ear by those grinning lips” (Wilde 133).

    B. “He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man’s head down on the table, and stabbing again and again” (Wilde 134).

    C. “There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of someone choking with blood” (Wilde 134).

    Yes I believe that he murdered Basil. Dorian murdered him because Basil is been annoy to him. “You have done enough evil in your life” (Wilde 133). Basil knows about Dorian too much, and he was afraid if he spreads all about him. So he killed him by knife, secretly.

    3) He killed Basil in the old schoolroom where he was hiding his portrait, and only he has the key, so no one can go in to that room. I think this is good plan for him.

  7. Ch 12

    1. Dorian is now thirty-eighth years old.

    2. Basil was worried about Dorian because he heard rumors about Dorian and wish Dorian could tell him if the rumors were true or not.

    3. Because of the rumors about Dorian, Basil told Dorian how everyone around have something against him. However, Dorian does not care about how people think of him. “but scandals about myself don't interest me” (Wilde 143).
    4. Basil talk about Dorian's soul because he doesn't know if he knows Dorian at all. Dorian decide to show Basil his soul through the portrait, the soul that which he hates.

    Ch 13

    a) “Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, Basil”(Wilde 150).
    b) “whispered into his ear by those grinning lips”(Wilde 151).
    c) “peering down into the black seething well of darkness”(Wilde 152).

    2. Dorian wasn't able to control his anger towards the painting plus he was annoyed by Basil so he killed him.

    3. After killing Basil, he left the body in the room and locked the door. Then he went back to his house, hide all of Basil's belonging in a secret compartment in the wall and then left the house. After awhile Dorian came back and pretend that he didn't met up with Basil. I don't think this is a very good plan because Dorian's servant might find Basil's belonging in the compartment.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ch. 12
    1.How old did Dorian turn?
    Dorian turns 38.

    2.Why is Basil so worried about Dorian?
    Basil was going on a 6 month stay in Paris, but he was worried about Dorians rumors that is around him, which is still spreading

    3.Basil accuses Dorian of ruining several individuals, but what is Dorian’s rebuttal?
    Basil wanted to know if the rumors he heard about Dorian were true or not.

    4.What does Basil Say about Dorian’s soul and how does this impact Dorian?
    The soul can only be seen by god, and this triggers Dorian to show the portrait that he was hiding for a long time.

    Ch. 13
    1. Give 3 specific Gothic elements from this chapter.
    A.“ Dorian Gray glanced at the picture, and suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Howard came over him...” (Wilde 151).

    B.“There was a stifled groan...” (Wilde 134).

    C.“Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, Basil” (Wilde 150).

    2. We know Dorian is going wild. But murder? Really? Can you believe he would do it? And ultimately, why did he do it?

    Dorian would have killed Basil. Because his irritation, stress, and his anger was really high. And Basil was always had the opposite idea towards dorian which irritated him even more.

    3. How does Dorian cover up his murder? Give specific details. Do you think it was a good plan?

    He left the body in the room and locked the room, he returns to his house and hides basil's things, and then went back to the room as if he didnt even meet with basil. This wasnt a really good idea, because many people do go to his house, so there is a possibility that basil's things would appear, and also Dorain has his servant, which makes things more harder...

    jun ogawa

  10. 1.Dorian turned 38 years old.
    2.Basil is worried if the horrible rumors about Dorian is true or not.
    Dorian was annoyed by Basil talking about scandal of himself. He has no interest of talking about the individuals ruined. Dorian rebuttal by attacking on the people. “Native land of hypocrite” (Wilde 145).
    3.Basil said “I wonder do I know you? Before I could answer that, I should have to see your soul” (Wilde 146). But Basil thinks only God can see his soul. From this, Dorian decides to show him the picture of Basil had painted. “I shall show you my soul” (Wilde 146).

    1.a. “Waving grotesque stiff-fingered hands in the air” (Wilde 152). b. “He could hear nothing, but the drip, drip on the threadbare carpet” (Wilde 152). c. “There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of some one choking with blood” (Wilde 151).
    2.Dorian has changed. I didn’t think Dorian will ever kill Basil who was always their and cared about him. But at the same time yes because Dorian was always annoyed by him after he met Lord Henry. Dorian killed him because he didn’t want anyone else to know his secret, murder driven from fear.
    3.Basil’s body is in the attic, where the painting is and he himself is the only one who has the key to the room. He also wears the coat and hat, pretend as if he came home just right now to the servant. Acting so that it sounds that he just found out Basil visited him. And he also hid Basil’s coat so that he can burn them later.

  11. Ch. 12
    1. He's going to be 38 on the 9th of November

    2. Basil was worried about Dorian, because there were many bad rumors about him.

    3. He was annoyed by Basil's accuses. Dorian says "Stop, Basil. You are talking about things of which you know nothing" (Wilde 144). This shows how Basil was annoyed by Dorian's speech.

    4. Basil asks him self that "... do I know you?" to him self about Dorian (Wilde146). Because Dorian changed to a completely different person, so he couldn't see his soul, and so Basil tells him that he has to see Dorian's soul to know him.

    Ch. 13
    1. A. "An exclamation of horror broke from the painter's lips as he saw in the dim light the hideous face on the canvas grinning at him" (Wilde 149)
    B. "... and suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Hallward came over him" (Wilde 151)
    C. "He rushed at him, and dig the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man's head down on the table, and stabbing again and again" (Wilde 151)

    2. I wasn't surprised when Dorian killed Basil, because he is like a different person from the first part of the book before he kills Basil. He killed Basil because he didn't like people knowing about him too much, but Basil did so Dorian killed him.

    3. He was the only one who had the key for the room, so he kept the body in the room. He thought that he shall tell the people that Basil already left for Paris. I don't think this is a good idea because eventually, people will know that Basil is in no where, even in Paris, and some reason, people will know that Dorian was the last person who met Basil, and police goes in to his house and finds out.

  12. Chapter 12
    1. He turned 38.
    2. Basil is worried about Dorian because he started to hear bad rumors about him. Dorian that Basil knows is a pure, innocent, and beautiful guy so he is surprised and got worried. We also know that Basil loves Dorian and he is concerned with him so I guess Basil hates hearing Dorian’s rumor.
    3. Basil was very worried about Dorian’s rumors and how he is influential to everyone. He insisted to “have wonderful influence. Let it be for good, not for evil”, but Dorian did not really care what he was saying. He does not care about others and he was starting to get annoyed by Basil’s arguments.
    4. Basil was wondering if he knows about Dorian like before and he really wanted to know about true Dorian insisting, “I should have to see your soul” (Wilde 146). As Basil got more annoying, Dorian decided to show his music video.

    Chapter 13
    1. A. How Dorian kills Basil. It is explained really precisely. “he rushed at him… then he threw the knife on the table, and listened” (Wilde 151-152).
    B. “The wind had blown the fog away, and the sky was like a monstrous peacock’s tail, starred with myriads of golden eyes” (Wilde 152). How he explains the atmosphere after killing Basil.
    C. How he explains about Basil before he kills him. “ The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything” (Wilde 151).
    2. I believe Dorian Gray have turned insane and evil by being influenced by Lord Henry and the Yellow book. Now what he really cares about is only himself so when he got offended, he reacted abnormally.
    3. Dorian left the dead body of Basil in his room. As he checks no one was around, he locks the door and reminds him self to burn all Basil’s belongings later. He also wakes up his servant and makes sure he knows that he havn’t seen Dorian that day by asking what happened while he was gone. Since he left Basil in his room, I don’t think it is a good plan. Sooner or later, someone would notice that something is wrong.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  13. Ch12
    1. Dorian became thirty eight years old on the ninth of November.

    2. Basil is worried about Dorian because Dorian seem to lost his sense of honor, goodness and purity.

    3. Dorian is arguing against Basil because Dorian does not like what Basil is saying to him.

    4. Basil said that he wants to see Dorian's soul and that scared Dorian.

    A. “There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of some one choking with blood” (Wilde 134).
    B. “The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him” (Wilde 133).
    C. “Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him” (Wilde 132).

    2. Dorian's personality has changed and now he is becoming crazy, so I can believe the fact that he murdered Basil. Dorian did this to get rid of Basil so that he could live his life in an own way.

    3. Dorian covered up the murder by locking Basil in the secret room. No one could enter that room unless they have the key, so Dorian thought he would not be found out and I think this is a good plan.

    Ifumi Sato
    A1 Lit

  14. Chapter 12
    1.Dorian turn to 38 years old.
    2.Basil is worried about Dorian because Basil heard many bad thing about rumors about Dorian, and basil wants to know is right or not.
    3.“but scandals about myself don't interest me” (Wilde 143). Because of the rumor, everyone started to talk about him.
    4.God is the only one can be soul, and Dorian needs to show the portrait he was hiding from long time ago.

    A.“The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything” (Wilde 151). Dorian explain about how he killed Basil.
    B.“The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything” (Wilde 151).
    C.“There was a stifled groan, and the horrible sound of someone choking with blood” (Wilde 151).
    2.I believe that Dorian will kill Basil. So I wasn’t really surprised and hoe Dorian change allot from the beginning when we just read about him until now.
    3.Dorian left Basil’s body inside his room, and no one have the key to open it, Dorian pretended he is not the one who killed Basil, make everyone believe in him.

  15. Chapter 12
    1) Dorian turned 38 years old
    2) Basil is worried about Dorian because of the amount of untrue rumors that was flying around.
    3) Dorian rebuttal on Basil’s accusation was, that Basil come into people’s love life rather than bothering about his own personal life.
    4) Basil implication on Dorian’s soul was that Dorian portrait is an example of him self, that is not the greatest thing. All the sins and the harshness of Dorian from the portrait, Basil believes that it's a mirror to Dorian’s soul.
    Chapter 13
    a. “hideous face on the canvas grinning at him. There was something in its expression that filled his with disgust and loathing” (Wilde 149).
    b. “The mad passion of a hunted animal stirred within him” (Wilde 151)
    c. “He rushed at him, and dug a knife into the great vein … crushing the man’s head down on the table, and stabbing again and again” (Wilde 151).
    2) I still don't believe it because although he is getting wilder, there’s always a sub conscience in a nice man to know the limit. I was really surprised, and I think he did it because he’s provoked by the new attitude and he is not so good friend with Basil.
    3) Dorian hid the body of Basil in the attic. The attic is the private and the only room that Dorian goes in and no one else goes in. So it's a good room to hide a body. Also he had acted as if he didn't kill Basil.
