Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Picture of Dorian Gray Blog #1

Read Chapters 5 & 6 and respond to the prompts below in complete sentences.

Chapter 5
1.  Find 2 quotes that illustrate class differences / polarization.

2.  Why is there greater opportunity for James in Australia than England?

3.  What had Sibyl's mother done in the past for work?  How do you think this impacts her daughter?

4.  What does James threaten to do if Dorian hurts his sister?

Chapter 6
1.  How do America and England differ in respect to marriage?

2.  According to Lord Henry, what is the "real drawback to marriage"?

3.  Explain the following: "The basis of optimism is sheer terror."

4.  Why, according to Lord Henry, is a cigarette "a perfect pleasure"?  What do you think about his rationale?
Due: Friday, 12.16


  1. 1. Find 2 quotes that illustrate class differences / polarization.
    " Mr Issacs has advanced us fifty pound to pay off our debts, and to get a proper outfit for Hames. You must not forget that, Siby. Fifty pound is a very large sum." (Wilde 59)

    Then Wisdon altered its method and spoke of espial and discovery. this young man might be rich. If so marriage should be thought of." (Wilde 60)

    2. Why is there greater opportunity for James in Australia than England?
    The greater oppurtunity for James in Australia than England is that he will get more money.
    3. What had Sibyl's mother done in the past for work? How do you think this impacts her daughter?
    What Sibyl's mother had done was that she fell in love with Sibyl's father. This impacts on her daughter because she is in love with Dorian.

    4. What does James threaten to do if Dorian hurts his sister?
    James threatens to kill Dorian if he hurts his sister.
    Chapter 6
    1. How do America and England differ in respect to marriage?
    America and England differ in respect to marriage is that in England marriage is not something you can just stop and start to marry someone else unlike America can.
    2. According to Lord Henry, what is the "real drawback to marriage"?
    According to Lord Henry the "real drawback to marriage" is that it makes one person unselfish.

    3. Explain the following: "The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
    " The basis of optimism is sheer terror" is thinking about "well of others" although the real reason is that we are all afraid of ourseleves.
    4. Why, according to Lord Henry, is a cigarette "a perfect pleasure"? What do you think about his rationale?
    A cigarette is a "perfect pleasure" because it is exquisitive and it leaves you unsatisfied leading you to want more.
    I think that he is right although in my opinion I don't think cigarettes is a perfect pleasure but because cigarettes leave you to want more.

  2. 1. “’I am only happy, Sibyl, when I see you act. You must not think of anything but your acting. Mr. Isaacs has been very good to us, and we owe him money’” says Sibyl’s mother in page 59. Her mother is borrowing money from Mr. Isaacs which mean’s they are poor and lower class. Also how she is appreciated to any chance that Sibyl is on the stage can show how they are living with less attention from the people around. James says that “Only swell people go to the park” (Wilde 62), meaning only the royal and rich people go to park to have an elegant walk or something.

    2. Because England is at the time, was an absolute monarch and so lower class people had less freedom and treated unfairly, but if he goes to the Australia, where at the time, it was not that active and being featured, would be easier to work by having the name of England as his home-town.

    3. What had Sibyl's mother done in the past for work? How do you think this impacts her daughter?

    4. To kill him if he ever harm Sibyl.

    1. English people thinks that “marriage is hardly a thing that one can do now and then, Harry” (Wilde 71). I think what he wants to say is that marriage can’t quite and redo easily, but Lord Henry thinks that Americans are different; they divorce and remarry again.

    2. According to Lord Henry, what is the "real drawback to marriage"?
    For Lord Henry, it means that one person unselfish.

    3. Explain the following: "The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
    I think it is the idea of being nice to other's, but the reality is that we are afraid of other's repetition about us selves.

    4. Why, according to Lord Henry, is a cigarette "a perfect pleasure"? What do you think about his rationale?

  3. Chapter 5
    1. Find 2 quotes that illustrate class differences / polarization.
    "Mr.Isaacs has advanced us fifty pounds to pay off our debts...Fifty pounds is a very large sum,"(Wilde 53).

    "Society!...I should like to make some money to take you and Sibyl off the stage. I hate it (society),"(Wilde 55).

    2. Why is there greater opportunity for James in Australia than England?
    He can make a lot of money in Australia. On the other hand, in England to get high salary, individuals need to join into the society and create good relation ships, which takes a lot of time instead of just working in Australia.

    3. What had Sibyl's mother done in the past for work? How do you think this impacts her daughter?
    Sibyl's mother was working at theater too. As matter of fact, she thinks that Sibyl is just feeling hyper and can't understand the real attachment.
    "As for Sibyl, I do not know at present whether her attachment is serious or not,"(Wilde 56).

    4. What does James threaten to do if Dorian hurts his sister?
    James will find out who is Charming Prince and kill him, if he've done something bad.

    Chapter 6
    1. How do America and England differ in respect to marriage?
    In America, there is no society and class yet, so when they marry, they don't need to think about these issues, which is opposite of England.

    2. According to Lord Henry, what is the "real drawback to marriage"?
    The marriage will make themselves as selfish.

    3. Explain the following: "The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
    We congratulate and celebrate others because we are afraid of circumstances. In other words, we praise others so that the men will be beneficial.

    4. Why, according to Lord Henry, is a cigarette "a perfect pleasure"? What do you think about his rationale?
    Cigarettes make us unsatisfied, while cigars satisfy them. In other words, you can stop cigars, so you can stop at some point, however, for cigarettes, they won't stop it because they will never satisfy.

  4. Chp.5
    1. One of the two quotes that show the class difference in Chapter 5 is, “However, as I said before, if he is rich…” (Wilde 60). Another quote is, “Of course, if this gentlemen is wealthy, there is no reason why she should not contract an alliance with him” (Wilde 63). These show that for these people, difference in their classes is a big deal, no matter what.
    2. James believes that there is a greater opportunity for him because he says that society does not matter, as long as he gets more money, so that one day, he can take his mother and Sibyl, his sister, to Australia.
    3. James is curious and at the same time, worried about Sibyl for falling in love with an unworthy man. But their mother says that she also had the same experiences during her work, and that is how she met her husband, who was once James’ and Sibyl’s father. So, he says that he is good-looking, charming and a wealthy man, that she wouldn’t mind Sibyl getting married with him, who is obviously Dorian Gray.
    4. James swore to his mother that he would track him down and kill him like s god, is he does any bad to harm Sibyl.

    1. According to Lord Henry, American people do not take marriage so serious like the people in London do. So, he is letting Basil know that are Dorian and his lovers are yet not married, but are engaged to be married soon.
    2. According to Lord Henry, the “real drawback to marriage” are hat it makes them unselfish and colorless, but makes them more complex. This makes them have more than one life, more organized and fancy.
    3. I think, “The basis of optimism is sheer terror” means that, the more you are careless and are optimism about, the more it takes you to the harder path way and bring you difficulties. “… we are all afraid of ourselves” (Wilde 73), this quote shows that well, and comes back to the “being-influenced” idea.
    4. According to Lord Henry cigarette is a “perfect pleasure” because, once you smocked, you would think of wanting more of them, before thinking of stop smoking cigarettes. Plus, every time you smock, it makes you feel better and think of another one to go.

  5. Chapter 5
    1.“’If this gentleman is wealthy, there is no reason why she should not contract an alliance with him. I trust he is one of the aristocracy” (Wilde 63).
    “But think of Dorian’s birth, and position, and wealth. It would be absurd for him to marry so much beneath him” (Wilde 71).
    2. Australia does not have the existence of society and class. Therefore, there is a chance for James to gain the “position of affluence” (Wilde 61). Where in England class and society is so strong, you cannot break it unless you bring the wealth from outside.
    3. Sibyl’s mother had also done acting. The “profession we (Sibyl and Sibyl’s mother) are accustomed to receive a great deal of most gratifying attention” (Wilde 62). Sibyl herself does acting so her mother had a great impact on that.
    not married, page 69
    4. James threatens that he will kill Dorian “if he ever does you (Sibyl) any wrong” (Wilde 67).
    “and believe me that if this man wrongs my sister, I will find out who he is, track him down, and kill him like a dog. I swear it” (Wilde 69).

    Chapter 6
    1. Marriage in Englad is something that is “hardly a thing that one can do now and then” (Wilde 71). But in America, marriage is something done now and then.
    2. Lord Henry said “The real drawback marriage is that it makes one unselfish” (Wilde 72). And if the person is not selfish than they are “colourless” and “lack individuality”, which are the two that makes people unique (Wilde 72).
    3. To have a better result people try to do something good to make others happy. That “we all like to think so well of others is that we are all afraid of ourselves” (Wilde 73). If you don’t do good or think well of others than you also won’t be good, which comes from fear.
    4. Lord Henry praises cigarette, “it is exquisite” (Wilde 77). He also asks the question “what more can one want?” (Wilde 77). I do not understand. I cannot even stand the smell of cigarette.

  6. Chapter 5
    1. "Mr Isaacs has advanced us fifty pound to pay off our debts, and to get a proper outfit for James. You must not forget that, Sibyl. Fifty pound is a very large sum."(Wilde, 59)
    “But think of Dorian’s birth, and position, and wealth. It would be absurd for him to marry so much beneath him.”(Wilde, 71)
    2. Australia doesn't have difference between classes unlike England so he will have better chance to get money in Australia.
    3. Sibyl's mother was also and actress so she thinks that Sibyl is too young to fall in love.
    4. James said that he will track Dorian down and kill him if Dorian does something wrong to Sibyl.

    Chapter 6
    1. According to the book, America didn't take marriage serious as England did. "Except America"(Wilde, 71)
    2. "The real drawback marriage is that it makes one unselfish. And unselfish people are colourless. They lack individuality."(Wilde 72)
    3. “The basis of optimism is sheer terror” means that the more you are afraid, the harder things get.
    4. "A cigarette is the type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied"(Wilde, 77)

  7. Chapter 5
    1) “Australia in a position of affluence. I believe there is no society of any kind in the Colonies, nothing that I would call society; so when you have made your fortune you must come back and assert yourself in London” (Wilde 61). “ hated him through some curios race-instinct for which he could not account and which… shallowness and vanity in his mother’s nature (Wilde 65).
    2) Australia, because in Australia there is no class difference, they view people as equal. This is a big advantage for James because back in England, he is considered low.
    3) Sibyl’s mothers past work were an actor. This had impact on Sibyl because seeing her mother perform, gives her the inspiration to act and become like her mother.
    4) James will kill Dorian if he hurt his sister.
    Chapter 6
    1) In England, people take marriage seriously, but in America, they believe in marriage is not as serious as American, where they can remarry or divorce without problems.
    2) Lord Henry opinion on drawback of marriage is, they become unselfish. In Lord Henry’s mind, anyone that is unselfish is colorless, and boring.
    3) “ The basis of optimism is sheer terror” is the more scared you get, the harder the task would it be. It just means if you get scared, you choke.
    4) Lord Henry is saying that a cigarette represent the sins that you have never commit. This is just saying about the a new pleasure that you never had.

  8. Ch. 5
    1. “And it is all his, his only, Prince Charming, my wonderful lover, my god of graces. But I am poor beside him” (Wilde 59).

    “ Fifty pounds is a very large sum” (Wilde 53).

    2. It is easy to make money in Australia, since there is no society, so James could pretend that he is a high rank person.

    3. Sibyl’s mother was an actress. This impacts Sibyl because Sibyl's mother could understand how other people feels or thinks.

    4. James said that he would kill Dorian if Dorian does wrong things to Sibyl.

    Ch 6.
    1. Marriage is a hard thing to do in England, but in America, it is not.

    2. One would be unselfish when they have marriage.

    3. People are happy because they credit others. When they don't do that, they become afraid of their selves.

    4. Lord Henry thinks that cigarette is exquisite.

    A1 Lit

  9. Chapter 5
    1. “Of course, if this gentlemen is wealthy, there is no reason why she should not contract an alliance with him” (Wilde 63).
    "Mr.Isaacs has advanced us fifty pounds to pay off our debts...Fifty pounds is a very large sum,"(Wilde 53).
    2. James can make more money in Australia. Also, he believes that there is a greater opportunity for him because he says that society does not matter, as long as he gets more money, so that one day, he can take his mother and Sibyl, his sister, to Australia.
    3. Sibyl's mother worked at a theater as well. "As for Sibyl, I do not know at present whether her attachment is serious or not,"(Wilde 56).
    4. James will kill Dorian if he hurts Sibyl.
    Chapter 6
    1. Lord Henry believes that Americans do not take marriage so serious like the people in London do. So, he is letting Basil know that are Dorian and his lovers are yet not married, but are engaged to be married soon.
    2. The marriage will make people unselfish and lose individuality.
    3. We congratulate and celebrate others because we are afraid of circumstances. In other words, we praise others so that the men will be beneficial.
    4. Cigarette is a “perfect pleasure” because, once you smocked, you would think of wanting more of them, before thinking of stop smoking cigarettes as Lord Henry mentioned. Plus, every time you smock, it makes you feel better and think of another one to go.

  10. Ch 5
    1. “Mr Isaacs has advanced us fifty pounds to pay off our debts, and to get a proper outfit for James” (Wilde 59).
    “Solicitors are a very respectable class,” (Wilde 62).
    2. He could get more money at Australia because there are no class difference.
    3. Sibyl's mother was an actress herself before, Sibyl was inspired by her own mother so she becomes an actress too.
    4. He would kill Dorian if Dorian hurt his sister.
    Ch 6
    5. In England, marriage was a more serious deal but in America is different. Everyone in America could get a divorce and remarry again.
    6. Lord Henry thinks that people that are consider the real drawback to marriage are unselfish. And to him, people who are unselfish are colorless and boring.
    7. It means the more you are afraid, your situation would just be harder.
    8. Lord Henry describe the cigarette represent the new pleasure that you encounter that you never had before.

  11. Chapter 5

    1 "Mr Isaacs has advanced us fifty pounds to pay off our debts, and to get a proper outfit for James" (Wilde 59)
    "I trust you will return from Australia in a position of affluence. I believe there is no society of any kind in the Colonies, nothing that I would call society;"(Wilde 61)

    2 Because he can get more money in Australia than in England and that is the opportunity for James.

    3 Sibyl's mother had fall in love with Sibyl's father before and this impacts gives to Sibyl because she is in love with Dorian Gray.

    4 James will kill Dorian by himself if he hurts his sister.

    Chapter 6

    1 The difference of marriage in between America and England is that America hasn't society and class yet so they don't care about those issue but in England does.

    2 He meant marriage makes one unselfish.

    3 We all like to think others so well but it means that we are afraid of ourselves.

    4 For Lord Henry, cigarette are "a perfect pleasure" because cigarets will satisfy himself.

  12. Chapter 5

    1) "I must say that you should have shown more consideration. However, as I said before, if he is rich... " (Wilde, 60).
    "Besides, he has the appearance of being rich, and the flowers he sends me are lovely" (Wilde, 62).

    2) There is a better a chance to get wealthy if he goes to Australia. Also, he thinks that it is a good chance to get into a different society than England.

    3)Sibyl's mother used to be an actress when she was young. "I myself used to receive many bouquets at one time. That was when acting was really understood" (Wilde, 62). This impacts how Sibyl took the same road.

    4)James said that he will kill Dorian if he hurts his sister.

    Chapter 6

    1)In the states, you do not have to worry about the wealth and the class, society to get married. In England, those things matter a lot.

    2)According to Lord Herny, "real drawback to marriage is that it makes one unselfish. And unselfish people are colourless. They lack individuality" (Wilde, 72).

    3)"The basis of optimism is sheer terror" means that there is a fear to judge ourselves of what we do; but there are still nice people out there, so have hope.

    4)Lord Henry says that "A cigarette is the type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied" (Wilde, 77). However, I do agree to it since people get unsatisfied, and not only that it effects you but it effects other people around you.

    Suzu Hiroyama
    Literature A2

  13. Chapter 5
    1.-“He is not gentleman, mother, and I hate the way he talks to me” (Wilde 59).
    -"Of course, if this gentleman is wealthy, there is no reason why she should not contract an alliance with him. I trust he is one of the aristocracy” (Wilde 63).

    2.James can have more better chance in Australia, also he can make more money in there, because he didn’t really care about how long he stay there.

    3.Sibyl’s mother was the actor, so “she consoled herself by telling Sibyl how desolate she felt her life would be , now she had only one child to look after her” (Wilde 69-70).

    4.James said he would kill Dorian if he did something bad to his sister.

    Chapter 6

    1.The different between England and American of marriage was England is the country was something really hard to do it, but in American is the really simple stuff.

    2.Lord Henry said he is not the champion of marriage, and the real drawback to marriage is that it makes on unselfish.

    3.To make other people feel good because they are credit the wrong part of others, but they are afraid of them self.

    4.Lord Henry think is really “exquisite”, he just feels good. There is not reason for why he is doing cigarette.

  14. Chapter 5

    Find 2 quotes that illustrate class differences / polarization.
    “Besides, he has the appearance of being rich, and the flower he sends are lovely”(Wilde 56).
    “ But I am poor beside him” (Wilde 59).
    Why is there greater opportunity for James in Australia than England?
    James can get more money in Australia because there are no class difference, and he believed that there is more opportunity for him.
    What had Sibyl's mother done in the past for work?  How do you think this impacts her daughter?
    Sibyl's mother worked at a theater. "As for Sibyl, I do not know at present whether her attachment is serious or not,"(Wilde 56). It shows that she can not understand the fact.
    4)What does James threaten to do if Dorian hurts his sister?
    James will kill Dorian. James threatens that he will kill Dorian “if he ever does you (Sibyl) any wrong” (Wilde 69).

    Chapter 6
    1)How do America and England differ in respect to marriage?
    There is no society and class in America, so they do not need to worry about issues when they get marry. But in England It is possible.
    2) According to Lord Henry, what is the "real drawback to marriage"?
    Is makes one unselfish and unselfish people are colourless.
    3)Explain the following: "The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
    To be good is to think well, and make around happy.
     Why, according to Lord Henry, is a cigarette "a perfect pleasure"?  What do you think about his rationale?
    Cigarette is a perfect pleasure. Smoke make you feel better and makes you want more.

  15. 1. "Of course, if this gentleman is wealthy, there is no reason why she should not contract an alliance with him. I trust he is one of the aristocracy” (Wilde 63).

    "Mr.Isaacs has advanced us fifty pounds to pay off our debts...Fifty pounds is a very large sum," (Wilde 53).

    2. James will have more freedom in Australia which connects to higher possibility to earn more money.

    3. Sibyl's mother was also working as an actor and this would impact her obviously since Sibyl is also an actor.

    4. James said he would kill Dorian if he does anything harmful to his sister.

    1. It is bigger issue in England because they care about their ranks and how much money they got and everything but America cares less.

    2. Real drawback to marriage makes on unselfish.

    3. "The basis of optimism is sheer terror" Basically means if you are afraid of something it will be much harder for you to achieve something or get it.

    4. Because as you smoke once, you will be wanting to smoke them over and over which is a perfect pleasure.

    HR Yoo
