Thursday, November 17, 2011

A2 - Blog # 7 - Romeo and Juliet

Please respond to the prompts below in complete sentences.  Use quotes when stipulated.

1.  What rationale does the Friar give to Paris to not proceed with the wedding?  Use a quote as support.

2.  Paraphrase the plan the Friar proposes to Juliet to reunite she and Romeo.

3.  The duplicity of the Friar is suspect.  What does this say of him as a man?  Can he be trusted?  Does his behavior match his status as a religious man?

4.  Why do you think Juliet apologize to her father for her wanton behavior?  To what end does she do this?

5.  What is the result of this?  What does her father do?  Use a quote as support.

6.  If you were Juliet, would you go through with this plan?

Due: Tuesday, 11.22


  1. 1.Friar tells Paris that he “do not know the lady’s mind” (4.1.5-6) and that it would be a difficult plan to marry her right now.

    2. First tell them that you agree to marry Paris, and tomorrow night make sure you are alone in your bedroom and drink this potion which will make you appear dead for forty-two hours. Everyone will think you are dead and you will be put into the coffin. I will tell Romeo about the plan and will be waiting for you to wake up so after you wake up you can flee to Mantua with Romeo.

    3. In real life, Friar wouldn’t be trusted this easily but for some reason in the play, he is seen as a trustworthy, wise, and supportive man. Though, as a religious man, I don’t think he is supposed to be like this. He shouldn’t be giving out dangerous advices and help her flee with Romeo.

    4. She apologize to her father to make him feel better and believe that she has changed her mind. She tells him that it was a bad thing to disobey him and even falls to her knees to apologize and begs him for forgiveness.

    5. He tells the servants to “Go tell him of this” (4.2.25) right after he hears her apologize. He is very happy saying that “This is as’t should be” (4.2.31) and starts to prepare for the wedding horridly.

    6. No. I wouldn’t go with Friar’s plan because it is dangerous. I would not trust the potion and will probably keep on opposing my father and will keep waiting for Romeo to come back.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  2. Kei Saya Datwani
    1. Friar says that “The time is very short” to have wedding, so slow down and wait for Juliet to be ready. (4.1.1)

    2. Plane that Friar gave to Juliet was that say Paris that she will marry with Paris. On the next day drink a potion that Friar gave to Juliet and drink it alone in her room. The potion will make her look like she is dead for two days. Everyone will think that she is dead and put her into coffin. Friar will send letter to Romeo about the plan, so that he will be waiting for Juliet to wake up. After Juliet is awake, Romeo and Juliet can escape to Mantua together.

    3. As a reader of the book he looks like he is duplicity and cannot be trusted. However, if I were Juliet I will trust him, because Juliet needs help to not marry with Paris and Friar is the only person she can depend on. On the other hand, he is a religious man so he should not be giving Juliet an advice that is very risky.

    4. Juliet apologizes to her father because she wants to make her father believe that she will marry Paris, and ask him to forgive her for disobeying him.

    5. Capulet changed his mind and change the day of wedding to Wednesday saying “We’ll to church tomorrow” (4.2.40). He is very happy that Juliet finally obeyed his plan.

    6. No, I would not. I do not want to drink a potion that man who is not even a doctor made. I would just get out of house and runaway to Mantua and escape to different place to Romeo.

  3. 1. Friar Laurence tells Paris that he should not be married this quick, when he does not even know his future-wife’s mind, and this is the line where he tells Paris, “You say you do not know the lady’s mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not” (4.1. 5~7).
    2. Friar says: Hold on, go home, be happy, and tell your parents that you would marry Paris. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Tomorrow night, be alone, let Nurse not be in your room. When you got in your bed, take this vial and mix it with liquor then drink. When it presently went through your veins, you’ll feel cold and fall asleep, and you’ll look like you’re death. This situation will last 24 hours. You’ll feel pleasant when you wake up. Now, when the bridegroom comes in the morning to get you, they’ll think that you’re death. Then you’ll be brought to the Capulet’s tomb. I will be sending Romeo a letter about our plan. Romeo and I will watch the comb, and Romeo will get you out of there late night, and take you to Mantua with him. And this will free you from the shame, if you do not suddenly change your mind (idea).
    3. I am not sure, but I think this Friar, seems to be a trustworthy and respectable man, therefore, I think he can be trusted, but should be given people the right decision or answer. But as a religious man, I think he should not have done stuff that he have, and willing to, therefore, I think it does not math his status as a religious man.
    4. Julie apologizes her father in an ashamed way, by showing her attitude towards her parents, as a mature woman, which makes her father proud and happy that she has grown up. The reason she apologizes her father is because she wants to get away with the shame of her marriage with Romeo, get away from the marring with Paris, and end up living rest of her like with her husband, Romeo.
    5. By the apologize of Juliet, her father, Capulet becomes glad and cheerful, that ends up changing the wedding day to the next day, which is Wednesday, the day when Juliet is planning to drink the poison she’s given. He tells his wife, “I will walk myself/ To Country Paris, to prepare him up/ Against tomorrow” (4.2.49 ~ 51).
    6. No, I would not go with Friar’s plan. I would not want to drink the poison that I have not proven that it works, I would probably be very scared that would not be even be able to understand the plan. So I would rather escape to Mantua at night, and live my life happily with Romeo.

  4. 1) “You say you do not know the lady’s mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not”(4.1.5~7), this tells me that the Friar is advising Paris not to marry Juliet if he does not really understand her.
    2) Friar idea for Juliet to reunite with Romeo is to drink a special kind of herb that will put Juliet in a coma that looks death like for about two days. After Juliet’s family had discovered the death of her, she will be in a tomb. When it happens, Romeo will come back just to see you, but by then you will be awake.
    3) In a world, if there’s no lie and honesty, this man would be the devil, but for reason of love, for me I think this man is a man who wants to see justice and trustworthy because he is helping people that are separated due to family rivalry.
    4) I think the reason why Juliet went to apologize to her father is because she wanted his trust back for her juvenile behavior. From this, the marriage that is going to happen would not look forced to Capulet.
    5) The apology of Juliet had made Capulet happy and certain that Juliet will go through the wedding. “I’ll not to bed tonight; let me alone. / I’ll play the housewife for this once. What, ho!”(4.2.47~48), what a happy man, Capulet.
    6) If I were a girl in that situation, where there’s family tension and marriage on the line, I would go with the plan because this plan will not upset any side of the family because I made people dream come true and my dream will come true to. The only problem that I could see is, what if the poison will kill me not put me in a coma.

  5. 1. What rationale does the Friar give to Paris to not proceed with the wedding? Use a quote as support.
    The rational that Friar gives to Paris to not proceed with the wedding is “You say you do not know the lady’s mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not”(4.1.5~7)which he is meaning that don't continue with this wedding when you don't know her at all.

    2. Paraphrase the plan the Friar proposes to Juliet to reunite she and Romeo.
    Friar Lawerence's plan to reunite Romeo and Juliet was that he told her that she should drink the drug that he will give her which will make her go into coma for about two days so that it will make everybody think she is dead.So Juliet being in a coma will be long enough until Romeo comes back and for them to be together.

    3. The duplicity of the Friar is suspect. What does this say of him as a man? Can he be trusted? Does his behavior match his status as a religious man?
    What it says about Friar lawerence is that he is a good man although he is breaking some rules he is doing so because of Romeo. Also because he sees all the things that the two family does not see and also that hes doing this for peace. Friar Lawerence can be trusted. His behavior does not match his status as a religous man hes more like the man who does what he believes in but still stay faithful with the religion.

    4. Why do you think Juliet apologize to her father for her wanton behavior? To what end does she do this?
    I think that the reason why Juliet apologizes to her father is because she doesn't like that fact that her father is angry with her and also the fact that theres already so much going on with her life right now that she probably wants at least one or two things to be okay.

    5. What is the result of this? What does her father do? Use a quote as support.
    The result of when she apologizes to her father is that he forgives her and he is very happy and believing that Juliet will actually marry Paris.

    6. If you were Juliet, would you go through with this plan?
    In my opinion if I were Juliet I would not go with the plan because you don't really know whats going to happen after you drink the herb (drug) and also I would just rather runaway not marry Paris nor go to Romeo because hes already banished from Verona.

  6. 1."You say you do not know the lady's mind" (4.1 5-7). It is basically means Juliet does not want this wedding but why would Paris do this from Friar to Paris.

    2.Friar told Juliet to tell Paris that she would marry him but he will give you this potion that makes you dead for two days and after she woke up, she can run away with Romeo and live happily.

    3.It does not show Friar's background but only described as good adviser yet I do not think he is a wise adviser like how book described him. I could clearly tell that Friar does care and respect Romeo and Juliet but his decision seems too risky and dangerous for me. Romeo and Juliet may trust him since he is the only person who is on their side but I would not trust him at all.

    4.It is just part of Juliet and Friar's plan to make Capulet believe that Juliet has changed her mind and that she will listen to her father. Juliet tells Capulet that she is willing to marry Paris and that she is sorry for not respecting her father.

    5."Well, I will walk myself To County Paris, to preapre him up Against tomorrow" (4.2 49-52).
    Capulet is happier than anyone about how Juliet changed her mind and attitude about the wedding and he is saying he will inform Paris about this right away.

    6.It is hard to answer because it is too risky and I do not know the situation very well but once I know how much I like or love Romeo or Juliet, then I will be able to answer it. I am pretty sure that I would do anything though.

    Hyun-Ryung Yoo

  7. 1. Friar Laurence tells Paris that he should not marry Juliet right now or quickly since Juiet is in bad mood. She had just lost Tybalt, her cousin, “You say you do not know the lady’s mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not” (4.1. 5~7).
    2. Friar gave advice to Juliet which was to drink one of his herbs. They will keep Juliet asleep for two days and eventually be able to reunite with Romeo and escape to Mantua together. However, in order to do that, she must tell her father that she will marry tomorrow…
    3. Friar is suspect, but he could be trusted right now. In the play, he is seen as a trustworthy, wise, and supportive man. Though, as a religious man, I don’t think he is supposed to be like this. He shouldn’t be giving out dangerous advices and help her flee with Romeo.
    4. Juliet apologizes her father because she wants to show her father that she is willing to marry Paris.
    5. Since Juliet apologized her father, Capulet became glad and cheerful, that ends up changing the wedding day to the next day, which is Wednesday, the day when Juliet is planning to drink the poison she’s given. He tells his wife, “I will walk myself/ To Country Paris, to prepare him up/ Against tomorrow” (4.2.49 ~ 51).
    6. I would definitely do the same thing in that situation because I do not want to marry a man, who I don’t like. Plus, I already have Romeo and taken by him. This is the only way to live together with Romeo, the person who I truly and really love.

  8. 1. The Friar try to tell Paris that Paris should not marry Juliet without knowing how Juliet felt about this, it is just not fair for her. “You say you do not know the lady's mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not” (4.1.5-7).
    2. The Friar will prepare a poison for Juliet to drink and cause her to go into a coma. After two days when she woke up from her family's tomb, Romeo will be waiting for you then you two could escape.
    3. Friar was not really religious from my perspective and as well as can not be trusted. Sure, he might be Romeo's friends but we still know very little of him. Plus he makes poison that gives people coma which support my point of him of not being really religious.
    4. Juliet was trying to loosen his father's guard on her. She thought that would be the best so that her father won't have people watching over her when she is trying to drink the poison.
    5. Unfortunately, this action made her situation much worst because her father was so happy that he thought Juliet should get marry sooner so the wedding changed from Thursday to Wednesday. “Go, nurse, go with her. We'll to church tomorrow” (4.2.40-41).
    6. I will go through the plan but only if I am help by the people that could really trust. This kind of plan is really dangerous if not done properly so I need people I could trust or a reliable person.

  9. 1. Friar Laurence said “you do not know the lady’s mind” (4.1.5-6), meaning Paris does not know how Juliet feels and thinks it is not a good plan.
    2. First Friar Laurence tells Juliet to say she would “marry Paris” (4.1.100). Than while she is alone drink this potion that would make her appear dead for “two-and-forty hours” (4.1.115). Everyone would think she is dead when the morning comes and put into a coffin. When she wakes up she will be gone to Mantua with Romeo.
    3. I don’t truly understand why he is so trusted by Romeo and Juliet. He is not the person who you can really trust upon. His behavior definitely does not match the status as a religious man, suggesting such a risky thing to do.
    4. She apologizes to her father to make him feel happy about it and to make him believe that she will. She apologized to her father according to the Friar Laurence’s plan.
    5. Capulet is extremely happy of Juliet apologizing and fully accepting the marriage. Because he is so happy he will “have this knot knit up tomorrow (Wednesday) morning” (4.2.26). He changes the wedding day from Thursday to Wednesday.
    6. I would not go with this plan. Too risky and dangerous. Especially because Friar Laurence cannot be trusted in my opinion.

  10. 1 Friar said to Paris "You say you do not know the lady’s mind. Uneven is the course. I like it not" (4.1.5-7)which means Paris doesn't know Juliet's mind so it is difficult to marry her for now.

    2 Go home and tell to them that you are agree to marry with Paris and then next day of night, you drink this vial. After 24 hours, your body will become cold and you'll stop breathing so it seems like you are dead. Then the day of wedding morning, everyone seem that you are dead so everyone will do your ceremony but after 42 hours, you will wake up as general. I'll tell to your husband about this plan so he can come at night and take you to Mantua.

    3 If it is in real life, Friar's plan wouldn't be trusted but in this play, Juliet needs someone to help so only she can go ask for help is Friar and situation is difficult for her to solve it so she doesn't have a choice for that so he is trusted man in this play but in real, it is risky and dangerous so I thought religious man can't do that.

    4 She apologized to her father that she changed her mind for marry and make father's feel better to believe her and begs him for forgiveness.

    5 Her father is so happy that Juliet gonna marry with Paris so he said to Juliet marry soon with him. "Why, I am glad on't. This is well. Stand up…Ay, marry, go, I say, and fetch him hither."(4.2.30-32)

    6 No, because it is rushing plan and they didn't spend a time for planning much and I think there will be more other plans that they can think of it and Friar's plan, I don't believe that contact between Romeo is good enough to tell the plan so it is high risk.

  11. 1. “You say you do not know the lady’s mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not” (Shakespeare, 175) He says this to delay the wedding.
    2. Juliet will drink a potion he has made from his herbs that will put her in a deathlike coma. When she wakes up two days later in the family tomb, Romeo will be waiting for her, and they will escape to Mantua together.
    3.In my perspective, his behavior doesn't match his status as a religious man because this plan might end up tragic which is worse than Juliet marring Paris.
    4. Juliet apologizes to her father because to make the plan work, she has to get his trust so she is pretending that she is going to marry Paris.
    5.“This is as’t should be” (Shakespeare, 187) He is very pleased and happy.
    6. If I was Juliet, I will go through with this plan because I have no other choices and the Friar is the only person that I can rely on.

  12. 1. Friar says to Paris that Juliet is not ready for the wedding yet since she had just lost her cousin Tybalt, and needs to be separated with Romeo. “You say you do not know the lady's mind. Uneven is the course; I like it not” (4.1.5-7).

    2.Tell them that you agree with the wedding, and drink this potion in your bedroom. You will appear dead for 42 hours, and people will prepare for your ceremony, but after 42 hours, you will wake up and I will tell Romeo about you; so that you can escape with him.

    3.I think Friar is not trustworthy in real life, because of his attitude and his personality. But Juliet almost has to believe Friar since now without Tybalt or Romeo, she has nobody else she can trust upon.

    4.I think Juliet apologize to her father for her wanton behavior because she has to make her father believe in Juliet so that her plan will work well. Juliet's father will have to believe in Juliet for agreeing her to marry with Paris.

    5. Her father reacts happily, since he is happy that his daughter is getting married. He says that "We'll to church tomorrow” (4.2.40-41).

    6. I think I would, because there isn't really any other ways to stay with Romeo and not to marry with Paris. Although this might take a risk of her death, she is probably in love with Romeo so much that she can bet her life on him.

    Suzu Hiroyama
    Literature A2
