Monday, November 14, 2011

A2 - Blog # 5 - Romeo and Juliet

Please respond to the prompts below in complete sentences.  Use quotes as support when stipulated.

Act III, Scene 3
1.  What does Romeo compare the world outside Verona to?

2.  What is Friar Lawrence and Romeo's course of action?

3.  Which city is Romeo running to?

4.  Why does he have to flee?

Act III, Scene 4
1.  I had kind of forgotten about Paris.  How does he reenter in this scene?

2.  The day of the wedding of _______________ and ________________ changes from ________________ to _________________ because of ________________________.

3.  Describe how both Romeo and Juliet react differently to the stress of their relationship.  Use quotes as support (6-8 sentences).

Due: Wednesday, 11.16 (Before Class)


  1. Act III, Scene 3
    1. Romeo claims that the world outside of Verona is “purgatory, torture, hell itself” (3.3.21). For him the world outside is worse than death because he has to live without Juliet.

    2. Friar Lawrence tells Romeo to “go get thee to thy love, as was decreed” (3.3.163) except he plans to escape from the city after he meets Juliet before the watchmen comes back in the morning. He will then have a break in a different city while Friar Lawrence will convince their families and the Price to accept their marriage.

    3. He is escaping to the city of Mantua.

    4. He has to flee before he gets banished because he will never be able to come back to Verona and see Juliet.

    Act III, Scene 4
    1. Juliet’s parents, Capulet and Lady Capulet bring the Prince back as her fiancé. I thought Shakespeare brought him back at this timing to make a worst situation for Romeo and Juliet so that it will become more dramatic. It also ensures us the situation Juliet is in.

    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because Capulet thinks Wednesday is too soon.

    3. At first, as Nurse says, “Just in her case! O woeful sympathy! Piteous predicament! Even so lie she, Blubb’ring and weeping weeping and blubbering” (3.3.100-102) both Romeo and Juliet mourn about their relationship. Though, Friar tells him to “Hold thy desperate hand.” (3.3.125) to Romeo because it is woman like to whine and cry. Friar Lawrence helps him a lot by giving him advice, while Romeo starts to get a positive feeling for their relationship. I believe Juliet still is in depression and has a lot of pressure from her parents, prince, and Romeo. I felt like Romeo has a lighter feeling than what Juliet has since he has more support from his friends and the priest.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  2. 1. Romeo basically says that Verona tortures him because as his punishment is banishment and it is like death for him if he can not be together with Juliet.

    2. Friar told Romeo to go see Juliet but make sure he gets out before the guards wake up and Friar promised Romeo that there will be a right time for marriage and he will go ask prince for second chance. After Romeo meets Juliet, he can get out before the guards come or disguise himself then go to Mantua.

    3. Romeo is going to see Juliet then he will stay awhile in Mantua.

    4. Because as I mentioned his punishment is banishment and which means soon he would not be able to see Juliet anymore.

    1. I would say he is quite a gentleman because he was telling Capulet that seems like it is not a good time for marriage so he will be patient and wait.

    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of Capulet thought Wednesday is too soon.

    3. Obviously the situation is not good for both of them and there are in a bad mood. Nurse said " O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps; And now falls on her bed, and then starts up, And Tybalt calls; and then on Romeo cries, And then down falls again (Shakespeare 137). Simply, Juliet is so depressed that all she does is crying and being sad and as Romeo is sad also and tried to cut himself for having his name but as Friar was next to him, Friar gives Romeo an advice and Romeo is willing to do what he told him to do. I would say Juliet is like a little girl who relies on her emotion only but at least Romeo knows what is the best and try to solve the problem.

    HR Yoo

  3. Act III, Scene 3
    1. What does Romeo compare the world outside Verona to?
    Romeo compares to the world outside of verona to purgatory, torture, and hell itsself. Also Romeo says that being banished from Verona is like being death.
    2. What is Friar Lawrence and Romeo's course of action?
    Friar Lawerence and Romeo's course of action is that Friar Lawerence tells Romeo to run away to a different city so he will be safe after he sees Juliet one more time and he, Friar Lawerence will try to convince the Capulets to accept that they are married.
    3. Which city is Romeo running to?
    The city Romeo is running to is Mantua.

    4. Why does he have to flee?
    The reason Romeo has to flee is because he killed Tybalt and the Prince had banished him from Verona.

    Act III, Scene 4
    1. I had kind of forgotten about Paris. How does he reenter in this scene?
    Paris reenters in this scene by talking to Lord Capulet and he is saying to him that he wishes that tomorrow would be thursday because he wants to marry Juliet really badly.
    2. The day of the wedding of ______Juliet_________ and _____Paris___________ changes from ______Wednesday__________ to ___________Thursday______ because of ____________Lord Capulet feels that the wedding on Wednesday is to soon____________.

    3. Describe how both Romeo and Juliet react differently to the stress of their relationship. Use quotes as support (6-8 sentences).
    Romeo is reacting differently than Juliet because although Juliet is too crying and sad,there situation is both different. Though I think that Juliet has alot more to deal with. Romeo is crying and weeping because of how he thinks he might have ruined their relationship because he killed Tybalt Juliets cousin. Juliet is crying, sad and depressed because of Tybalt being killed by Romeo and Romeo then being banished from Verona. Also because of her being pressured by her parents of her getting married to Paris even though she doesn't want to.

  4. Act 3, scene 3
    1. Romeo thinks that “there is no world without Verona” (3. 3.20). For Romeo, only world he can live is Verona, where Juliet is, and outside of Verona is same as hell.
    2. Plan that Friar Lawrence made for Romeo is to see Juliet before guard will come and find Romeo. Afterward, escape from Verona and go to another city, while Friar Lawrence “Beg pardon of the prince, and call thee back” (3. 3.169).
    3. The city that Romeo ran into was “Mantua” (3. 3. 166).
    4. Romeo had to flee, because he killed Tybalt. In Verona there is a law that says whoever committed murder will be executed. However Romeo was not executed because “Tybalt murdered” Mercutio and Romeo got mad at Tybalt, which was why Romeo killed Tybalt. (3. 3. 74). Therefore, Prince was kind that he banished Romeo from Verona, not execution.
    Act 3, scene 4
    1. Paris reenters the scene by visiting Capulet to talk about marring with Juliet. However, because of the death of Tybalt, Paris was not rushing about marriage, because “These times of woe afford no time to woo” (3. 4. 8)
    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because Capulet and Paris thought that Wednesday is too early.
    3. For both Romeo and Juliet, the situation is not good. Both of them are in deep sorrow. Romeo is complaining about his punishment by saying “There is no world without Verona’s wall” (3. 3. 20). For Juliet, the only thing she does is to cry. However, Romeo is little different from Juliet. He listens to advise from Friar Lawrence to overcome the obstacle.

  5. Act III, Scene 3

    1. "There is no world without Verona walls, But purgatory, torture, hell itself." (Romeo, 141, line 20-21) "Heaven is here, Where Juliet lives;" (Romeo,141, line32-33) The out side of Verona is no world and it is a hell for Romeo because no Juliet is no life for him and Juliet is heaven for him.

    2. "Thou fond mad man, hear me a little speak."(Friar Lawrence, 143, line55-56) "O, thou wilt speak again of banishment."(Romeo, 143, line57) Friar Lawrence expostulate to Romeo and calm him but Romeo though Friar Lawrence will talk about exile so he don't want to listen to that so he just deny him.

    3. "For then thou canst not pass to Mantuna, Where thou shalt live till we can find a time To blaze your marriage"(Friar Lawrence, 150-151, line 166-167) Romeo is running to Mantuna which is Friar Lawrence told him to go there to help Romeo and stay there and see the timing for their marriage.

    4. "And turns it to exile. There art thou happy."(Friar Lawrence, 149, line158) "Where thou shalt live till we can find a time To blaze your marriage"(Friar Lawrence, 151,line167-168) Because Romeo killed Tybalt and Capulet family's won't excuse to him and advice from Friar Lawrence the exile is the good thing too see the timing of marry to decelerate to two families but if someone saw him in Verona, hew may killed.

    ActIII, Scene 4

    1. "Sir Paris…what day is this?" (Capulet, 153,line14-20) He reentered because Capulet called him back again.

    2. "Monday! Ha,ha….But what say you to Thursday?"(Capulet 154-155, line 22-31) The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of Tybalt death and Lord Capulet think that wedding on Wednesday is too soon for Juliet.

    3. "That villain cousin would have killed my husband…And Tybalt's dead, that would have slain my husband." (Juliet, 137, line111-117) " "Tybalt is dead, and Romeo−banished."…Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts. " (Juliet, 137,line 123-125) Juliet is confused the fact the Romeo, her husband killed her best cousin, Tybalt but when she heard that Romeo will banished from Verona, it is more depressed thing than Tybalt's death for her so that is makes her stressful. "This day's black fate on mo days doth depend ; This but begins the woe others must end." (Romeo 123, line 126-127) "Ha, banishment? Be merciful, say "death";…Do not say "banishment." " (Romeo 141,line 15-17) Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt killed Mercutio and now that fact made him to exile from Verona and it is stressful because he have to be apart with Juliet.

  6. Act III, Scene 3
    1. Romeo compare the the world outside of Verona with death. Romeo thinks that death was more merciful than banishment. He express how painful and torture it will be when he is out of Verona.
    2. The Friar suggest Romeo to escape to Mantua and the Friar will announce their wedding to their families.
    3. The Mantua
    4. He has to flee other wise Romeo would not be able to see Juliet ever again.

    Act III, Scene 4
    1. Paris heard about Tybalt's death so he came to the Capulet.
    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because Capulet thinks Wednesday is too soon.
    3. Juliet had more to take in than Romeo. Romeo was just depress of the act that he will be banish from Verona. Juliet was depress about three things; her cousin was dead, Romeo being banish, and marriage to Paris. “O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps;” (3.3. 116). The thing is that Juliet did not cry so this situation shows that Juliet was stronger than Romeo. On the other Romeo cried like a girl.

  7. 1) Romeo says that the world outside Verona is worst than death. He preferred to die rather than be banished.
    2) Friar Laurence and Romeo’ s action was to meet Juliet for one more time, but due to strict rules, he either leave before the watchmen arrive or disguise one self so the watchmen wont know that is you.
    3) The city that Romeo is running to is Mantua
    4) Romeo have to flee Verona because the death Tybalt, but he supposed to be executed, but do to the action is really a revenge, Romeo is banished from Verona by the Prince.
    5) Paris reenter this scene as a jerk because Juliet mourn the death of Tybalt, Paris first attention was to fell their pain, but his second priority was to marry Juliet.
    6) The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of Wednesday is too soon, they still need to mourn on the death of Tybalt.
    7) The difference between Romeo and Juliet on handling their stress is Romeo is worried that his juvenile action had caused a stress in their relationship. “Doth not she think me an old murderer”(3.3.109), this tells how Romeo is not sure either he had scared her or not. Juliet on the other hand, took the death of Tybalt way too seriously because she is to brokened and mourn the death of Tybalt too much, “O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps”(3.3.114). That shows how different they are Romeo is worried but Juliet is just broken and upset.

  8. 1. Romeo thinks that the world outside of Verona is like hell. There is no Juliet, who he loves, and he cannot do anything about the marriage...
    2. Friat Laurence and Romeo agreed that Romeo should spend a night with Juliet and leave Verona the next day... Romeo is not happy about this.
    3. Romeo is escaping to Mantua.
    4. Romeo has to flee because he k\murdered Tybalt. The Prince sentenced Romeo to exile or else he will be executed.

    1. Paris reenters to talk about his marriage with Juliet. Although it is a sad time, Capulet agreed to this marriage.
    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of Capulet thought Wednesday is too soon.
    3. The situation is not good to plan a wedding...  Nurse said " O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps; And now falls on her bed, and then starts up, And Tybalt calls; and then on Romeo cries, And then down falls again (Shakespeare 137). Simply, Juliet is so depressed that all she does is crying and being sad and as Romeo is sad also and tried to cut himself for having his name but as Friar was next to him, Friar gives Romeo an advice and Romeo is willing to do what he told him to do. I would say Juliet is like a little girl who relies on her emotion only but at least Romeo knows what is the best and try to solve the problem.

  9. 1. He thinks that death is better than exile, because if he goes out side of Verona, he will not be able to see Juliet anymore.

    2. Friar had a plan, that once Romeo goes out of the Verona, Friar is going to tell the Prince that Rome was married or will marry with Juliet so he has to be with her and he will hopefully come back to Verona.

    3. He went to Mantuna.

    4. The reason Romeo had to run away is because he killed Tybalt, because of his anger toward Tybalt when he killed Mercutio. The Prince announced that Romeo has to leave Verona immediately, or else he will execute Romeo.
    Act3 Scene4
    1. He is kind of sorry to the Capulets, so he tried to leave the room because he was there to talk about the marriage with Juliet. but then Lord Capulet decided that Paris should marry Juliet.

    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of the Capulet thought Wednesday was too soon because of Tybalt's death.

    3. The situation is bad for both of them. Juliet shows her expression by telling nurse that her life is over without Romeo. "O, break my heart! poor bankrout, break at once!" (Act3 Scene2 62). This was when she found out that Romeo was exiled from the city. On the other hand, Romeo's reaction is kind of cool and calm by listening to the advice from friar and listening to the plan that friar decided.

  10. Act III, Scene 3
    1. He says that the outside of Verona is as bad as being dead because there is no Juliet. "There is no world without Verona walls, But purgatory, torture, hell itself." (Shakespeare, 141)
    2. Romeo was in despair, he threatens to stab himself. However, the friar reacts by suggesting a plan that Romeo should spend a few hours with Juliet and then escape to Mantua.
    3. Romeo is escaping to Mantua.
    4. He has to flee because if he get his punishment, banishment, he won't be able to come back to Verona to see Juliet.

    ActIII, Scene 4
    1. Paris comes back because Capulet called him to talk about the marriage between him and Juliet.
    2. The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of Capulet thought Wednesday is too soon.
    3. " O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps; And now falls on her bed, and then starts up, And Tybalt calls; and then on Romeo cries, And then down falls again (Shakespeare 137) Romeo is reacting differently with Juliet because although Juliet is sad, there situation is both different. However, I think that Juliet has a lot more to deal with. Romeo is crying and weeping because of how he thinks he might have ruined their relationship because he killed Tybalt Juliets cousin. Juliet is crying, sad and depressed because of Tybalt being killed by Romeo and Romeo then being banished from Verona. Also because of her being pressured by her parents of her getting married to Paris even though she doesn't want to.

  11. Act III Scene 3
    1. Romeo compares the world outside of Verona as a Hell. He says that no any other cities can be as merciful as Juliet, because she Romeo’s heaven. He also says that there is no world without Verona’s wall.
    2. Friar Laurence suggests Romeo to go spend his night with Juliet and head to the next city (town) and he would send Romeo a messenger whatever happens in Verona. He says that he would announce their marriage at the right time and tells the Prince to give Romeo one last chance. Romeo on the other side, just listens to the Nurse and Friar and runs to Juliet’s place.
    3. Romeo is running to the city named Mantua.
    4. Romeo has to flee because the Prince announced that Romeo’s life must be taken away if he does not go out of Verona immediately. He also says that the moment he was found anywhere in the city of Verona, that would be his last. Prince is mad because they broke the law, and also because his kinsman, Mercutio was murdered because of Romeo (or Montague).

    Act IV Scene 4
    1. In the first part of this scene, Paris feels guilty and tells Capulet that it is no time for discussing about their (him and Juliet’s) marriage, because of Tybalt’s death. But the Capulets says that it is fine, as long as he, himself (Paris) is ready to have their wedding on that week. As Capulets replies that, Prince says that he is more than ready that he wish that day would be the next day (tomorrow).
    2. The day of the wedding of Juliet and Paris changes from Wednesday to Thursday because of Tybalt’s death.
    3. The situation of both Romeo and Juliet is really mournful. Romeo is banished because of Tybalt’s murder, Juliet’s broken because she had lost two of her loved ones (Romeo not yet). But the Nurse and Friar becomes their survivor. “O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps;… and then on Romeo cries, and then down falls again” (147 114), the Nurse makes Romeo feel better and lets him know that Juliet is still waiting for him and loves him. “Thy form cries out thou art; thy tears are womanish, thy wild acts denote … for then thou canst not pass to Mantua” (149 126). Nurse that makes him better in emotion, Friar on the other side, gives Romeo some actions to take before Prince finds him. Therefore, if the Nurse and Friar were not here they have not seen each other, after their secret marriage.

  12. 1. Romeo said “no world without Verona walls,/But purgatory, torture, hell itself” (Shakespeare 141). For him Verona is the world. And because Juliet is in Verona, he thinks Verona is heaven.
    2. Friar tells Romeo to climb up to Juliet’s bedroom same as the plan. Than escape to the city of Mantua, until Friar announce Romeo and Juliet’s marriage public and make peace between the two families. And ask the Prince to pardon Romeo.
    3. The city of Mantua
    4. Because he is in a rush to go to Juliet’s place before the guards go around.
    Scene 4
    1. First, Paris feels bad for discussing the topic of Juliet and his wedding in such situation of Tybalt’s death. But Capulet actually speeds up marriage arrangement. If its possible they are going to have a marriage this week.
    2. The day of the wedding of ____Juliet ___________ and ___________Paris_____ changes from ___Wednesday_____________ to _______Thursday__________ because of ___________________Capulet need to mourn on Tybalt’s death_____.
    3. For Juliet she lost her cousin Tybalt. And who killed Tybalt is her love Romeo. And because of that Romeo have to leave Verona where she is “weeping and wailing over” (139 line 139). For Romeo’s case he is just all depressed that he won’t be able to see Juliet. Because he have to go out of Verona, which is his world. Juliet is everything for Romeo, vise versa.

  13. 1. Romeo says that since Verona is the place where he blongs, and Juliet is in Verona, Romeo think it's a hell to leave Verona."There is no world without Verona walls, But purgatory, torture, hell itself" (Shakespeare, 141).

    2.Friar says to Romeo that he should go meet Juliet, and leave Verona the next day. But, Friar will tell the Prince that Romeo is married to Juliet; therefore there is a need for Romeo to come back. "I'll give thee armor to keep off that world; Adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, To comfort thee, though thou art banished" (Shakespeare, 143).

    3.Romeo is running to the city of Mantua

    4.Because he killed Tybalt, and so the Prince told Romeo to leave Verona soon. "Romeo, away, be gone! The citizens are p, and Tybalt slain. Stand not amazed. The Prince will doom thee death If thou art taken. Hence, be gone, away!" (Shakespeare, 125).

    1.Paris visits the Capulets, who are mourning the death of Tybalt. "These times of woe afford no time to woo. Madam, good night. Commend me to your daughter" (Shakespeare, 153).

    2.The day of the wedding of Paris and Juliet changes from Wednesday to Thursday because Capulet thinks Wednesday is too soon.

    3.Romeo simply does not want to leave Verona since Juliet stays in Verona, and Romeo love Juliet that he doesn't want to leave her. But as for Juliet, since Tybalt is Romeo's enemy but a cousin of Juliet, it is depressing; and the person who killed him is Romeo, the person she loves.Also, she says that her life is over without Romeo."But wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin? That villan cousin would have killed my husband. Back, foolish tears, back to your native spring!" (Shakespeare, 137).

    Suzu Hiroyama
    Literature A2

  14. 1."There is no world without Verona walls….And world’s exile death” (Act 3. Scene 3, line 20,23). Romeo think only the Verona is the world for him, is really important and heaven to him.

    2.Friar Lawrence made the plan for Romeo to meet Juliet before the guard wake up and find Romeo, “With twenty hundred thousand times more than joy Than thou wentst forth in lamentation” Act 3, Scene 3, line 170 to 171).

    3.Romeo went to Mantua to see Juliet.

    4.He has to run away before he get the banished otherwise he can’t go back to Verona and meet Juliet anymore.

    1.Paris was back because he heard Tybalt was dead.

    2.The day of the wedding of -Paris- and -Juliet- changes from -Wednesday- to -Thursday- because of -Capulet think Wednesday will be too fast-.

    3.Juliet was lost her cousin by her lover, Romeo, also because Romeo has to leave Verona and Juliet was “O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps”(Act 3,Scene 3, line 114). This is how Juliet’s feeling to Romeo, but Romeo was only cared about himself, of he have to get out of his world, Verona, but he didn’t thinking about Juliet at all.
