Monday, November 14, 2011

A1 - Blog # 5 - Twelfth Night

Please respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes as support when stipulated.

Act IV, Scene 1
1.  Who is Sebastian mistaken for?

2.  Is Sebastian pleased with Olivia's interest?  Use a quote as support.

Act IV, Scene 2
1.  Where does this scene take place?

2.  Who is the Fool disguised as?

3.  Why does Malvolio think the house is dark?

Please complete and submit before class on Wednesday, 11.16


  1. Act IV, Scene 1
    1. Sebastian is mistaken for Cesatio. "Out of my sight! - Be not offended, dear Cesario" (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 44). This quote shows that Olivia is misunderstanding him as Cezario because they are twins.

    2. Sebastian is pleased with Olivia's interest. "Id it be thus to dream, still let me sleep!" (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 58). This quote tells Sebastian is interested in Olivia that is why if he is sleeping, he does not want to wake up to finish what is happening between him and her conversations.

    Act IV, Scene 2
    1. This scene takes place in a dark room. Someone invited him to the house and Malvolio thought that this house is dark.

    2. The Fool is disguised as Sir Topas.

    3. Malvolio thinks the house is dark because Olivia is madat him and he is really depressed about that. "I sat, this house is as dark as ignorance, though ignorance were as dark as hell"(Act 4, Scene 2, Line 40). Because of this his mind is full of madness and insane.

  2. 1. in Act 4, Scene 1 Sebastian is mistaken as cesario by Olivia, and invites Sebastian to her house. "Out of my sight! - Be not offended, dear Cesario" (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 44). As seen in this quote, Olivia makes a mistake.

    2. Sebasstian is please with Olivia's intrest, and is having intrests in Olivia. He talks about the incident being a dream, and if so, he wouldnt want to wake up from this.

    act IV scene 2
    1 and 2. Maria, at Sir Toby's request, dresses the Fool up as a minister and sends him to the dark room in which they are keeping Malvolio.
    3. mavolio thinks that the room is dark, because of olivia getting mad at him after all he has done. Because of this he becomes mad.

    jun ogawa

  3. Act IV Scene 1
    1. Sebastian was mistaken for Cesario by Olivia.

    2. Sebastian is not pleased with Olivia's interest. “If it be thus to dream, still let me sleep!” (Shakespeare 190). This quote shows that he wants to sleep rather than visiting her house.

    Act IV Scene 2
    1. The scene takes place inside a house, where it is full of darkness.

    2. The Fool disguised as Sir Topas.

    3. Malvolio thought the house is dark because he got depressed by Olivia's bad treatment.

