Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A1 - Blog # 6 - Twelfth Night

Please respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes when stipulated.

1.  How does Sebastian rationalize that Olivia is not insane.  Use a quote as support.

2.  Why does Olivia offer to wait to publicize the marriage?

3.  Like brother like sister... based on your observations, do siblings of different gender share mutually attractive or unattractive traits?

4.  Do Viola and Sebastian share similar qualities.  Be specific in your response.

5.  This is a very short scene.  Why did Shakespeare choose this structure?  To what end?  Think of how the structure impacts the content.

Due: Friday, 11.18 (before class)


  1. 1. Birds that Juliet was taking is nightingale and lark. Nightingale refers to night and lark refers to morning. Time was important for Romeo because he need to escape before he will get caught.

    2. No, Juliet’s parents does not know that SHe is married to Romeo. Lady Capulet told Juliet that she will marry with “The gallant, young, and novel gentleman, The Country Paris, at Saint Peter’s Church, Shall happily make thee a joyful bride” (3.5.128).

    3. Nurse advised Juliet that she should marry with Paris because he is better that Romeo. Also now, Romeo is banished so he is not a good man for Juliet. Juliet agreed to nurse’s advise, but inside she has conflicting feeling that if she should marry Paris or not.

    4. For me, by reading this act, it made me think that Romeo and Juliet will not be able to marry and be together anymore. Since Capulet is forcing Juliet to marry with Paris.
    5. I do not agree because Im in the modern world where people marry around middle twenty, but if I were in the world of Romeo and Juliet I would agree. Since Juliet is age to marry therefore Capulet worked hard " To have her matched; and having now provided A gentleman of princely parentage" (3.5.206).

    6. The scene that I think has similar setting is act 2 scene 2. This is because in both act 2 scene 2 and act 3 scene 5 , Romeo and Juliet is meeting secretly, and Romeo has to runaway when Juliet's parents comes.
    7. I think it does, for me it seems like Capulet has more power than Montague. Also, Romeo is now banished and is in weaker position than before. Therefore, Romeo appearing in below the balcony represents the power between Capulet and Montague.

  2. 1. Sebastian rationalized that Olivia is not insane when he received the pearl from her. "And though 'tis wonder that enwraps me thus, Yet 'tis not madness" (4.3.3-4). Although Sebastian was confused about the present, he thought she is a nice person, not a crazy person.

    2. Olivia offer to wait to publicize the marriage because she has some

    worries and she want to get rid of that by marrying with Sebastian.

    3. I think siblings of different gender share mutually unattractive traits because they are just family and they look at each other as one of the family members. If they belong to different families, they might show their attractiveness, but not when they are sibilings.

    4. Viola and Sebastian does not share similar qualities because they were separated when their ship got wrecked and they decided to make their own way. They do not look at each other as a family.

    5. I think Shakespeare chose this structure to only talk about the most important part. If there are fewer pages, then it is easy to memorize and understand, so readers could realize the author's message better.

