Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A2 - Romeo and Juliet - Blog # 4

Please respond to the prompts / questions below.  Use complete sentences and quotes when stipulated.

1.  What is Tybalt's reaction to Romeo arriving at the Capulet's party?  How does Capulet's reaction differ? Is this surprising?

2.  What kind of character is the nurse?  Use a quote as support.  She is not a major character, but why is she so crucial to the story?

3.  Based only on the text, what is attractive about Romeo?  What is attractive about Juliet?

4.  Based only on the text, what is NOT attractive about Romeo?  What is NOT attractive about Juliet?

5.  Identify the rhyming scheme of 136 - 139.  Then paraphrase those lines.


  1. #1 Tybalt noticed from the voice the person is Romeo and he have no patience for Montague people is in there and he was try to kill Romeo but stopped by Lord Capulet because Lord Capulet knows Romeo is behaved man and told Tybalt to ignore him because Lord Capulet though he won't do anything bad to Capulet.

    #2 "Marry, bachelor,
    Her mother is the lady of the house,
    And a good lady, and a wise and virtuous.
    I nursed her daughter that you talked withal.
    I tell you, he that can lay hold of her
    Shall have the chinks." (Nurse 59 line 125-130)

    From this quote, I think nurse is civility person.

    "His name is Romeo, and a Montague,
    The only son of your great enemy." (Nurse 61 line 152-153) And from this quote, she gives informations to Juliet about the young man who danced with Juliet so nurse is very close to Juliet and "Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days." (Nurse 43 line 117) is shows nurse is friendly to Juliet.

    From these, I can say nurse is important to this story because she is close to Juliet so she knows a lot of things that related to Juliet and Montague more than Juliet.

    #3 Attractive of Romeo is honest, earnest, and positive to Juliet when he love at first sight to Juliet and for Juliet, she is pure and I like her when she answering to Romeo.

    #4 Not attractive part of Romeo is that he easily to forget about Rosaline that Romeo used to love and he forget it when he love at first sight to Juliet. I don't like Juliet that she can't say straightly her mind to her mother.

    #5 Nurse ask Juliet about Romeo that she can say good thing about him for now but Juliet understand that Romeo killed her cousin on the other hand, her cousin, Tybalt wanted to kill Romeo but he is alive and she will cry for joy that Romeo is alive, but she should cry for her cousin dead and now she have guilty minds in her memory. Now, Tybalt is dead and Romeo has been banished and that news brings her to death because it is worse for her. Juliet's parents are crying over for Tybalt's death but Juliet will tear for Romeo and she said Romeo the only that can take her virgin and nurse will find Romeo to comfort to Julliet and nurse knows where is he.

  2. 1.When Tybalt recognizes Romeo, he quickly tells Lord Capulet, saying that he does not belong here and should be strike to death.But Tybalt's reaction and Lord Capulet's reaction was very different; Lord Capulet told Tybalt to leave him alone, and take no note of him. Tybalt goes against that, but Capulet tells him that he is the boss here, not Tybalt.This is very surprising since I thought the Capulets hated the Montagues, but Lord Capulet tells Tybalt to leave Romeo alone.
    2.The nurse is a character who tells Juliet that the man is Romeo from Montague. This is important since it is the scene where she realizes that the man he love is from the enemy family. I think nurse is a character who tells Juliet what is going on, and what is right.
    "Go ask his name.---If he be married, My grave is like to be my wedding bed. His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy. My only love, sprung from my only hate!" (Shakespeare, 61, line 150-155).
    3.Romeo is attractive by its look, since he is handsome, and his honesty to his feelings. When his feeling changed, he straightly told the servant. Juliet, also attractive by its beauty; Romeo says that she is like a jeweled earring in the dark, and she stands out a lot.
    4.Romeo's bad part is, that he is sort of a "playboy". After seeing Juliet, he forgets about Rosaline and says that the new has replaced the old. Juliet's bad part is that she is negative in a way, and cannot say what she really wants to.
    5.Part of these lines has a Couplet, I think.
    paraphrase: Why are you leaving, gentleman, we still got food. (whispers) really? then, thank you. I thank you for your honestly, gentleman, goodnight. More lights here! Come on, then, let's go to sleep.

    Suzu Hiroyama A2

  3. 1. Tybalt's reaction was very aggressive. However, Capulet was very different. He told Tybalt to calm down and Tybalt leaves with disappointment. This is surprising because Romeo and Capulet are enemies but there was no fight.
    2. I think she is like a messenger between Romeo and Juliet because they barely talk to each other but the nurse delivers the saying. "His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy" (Shakespeare, 61)
    3. Based only on the text, Romeo talks very well and his words are so sweet and romantic. Also, Juliet is so beautiful that her beauty is like the Sun and the moon looks sick and green because it is jealous of her.
    4. Based only on the text, Romeo cannot talk clearly when he is exited because he talks in riddles. Also, Juliet is worrying about their love because it has happened so fast and suddenly.
    5. They are whispering the good night massage like let's go to bed .

  4. seiya A2
    1.Tybalt is furious at the fact that Romeo is at the dance that he intend to kill him “To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (Shakespeare 55). In contrast Capulet’s reaction is extremely calm and cool. Telling Tyblat to “take no note of him” (Shakespeare 57). Which is surprising because I thought Caputlet himself will be mad just like Tybalt and kick Romeo out of the dance, instead makes him stay.

    2.Nurse is a kind of character that doesn’t know anything “I know not” also “what’s this?” (Shakespeare 63). She is so crucial to the story to tell Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet “Is she a Capulet?” and tell Juliet that Romeo is a Montagues “the only son of your great enemy” (Shakespeare 61).

    3.Romeo is handsome and he is “virtuous and well-governed youth” (Shakespeare 57). Juliet is attractive by her beauty where Romeo describes in various ways.
    4.Romeo is not attractive in a way where he came to the dance because he was in love with Rosaline. He changed his mind really quickly when he saw Juliet and totally forgets about a crush he had just a second ago. Juliet is too smart.

    5.No rhyming scheme presented in these lines.
    -We have desserts
    -Really? Then, I thank you all.
    -Thankyou for being honest gentlemen. Good night.
    -Bring more torches! Come on,

  5. Kei Saya Datwani

    1.When Tybalt recognized Montague’s voice, which was Romeo’s, he immediately tried kick Romeo out from party. On the other hand Capulet did not concern about Romeo attending to the party. Caplet even said complement about how Romeo has good manner. For me it was very surprising that Caplet did not get mad like Tybalt did, because I thought that Caplet will react same way as Tybalt did.

    2.Nurse is important to this story because she is the only one that really cares about Juliet and tries to prevent Juliet from getting sorrow, while Lady Capulet is just thinking about reputation of her family. When Juliet tried to know who Romeo was, nurse tried to hide that the man was actually Romeo by saying “The son of heir of old Tiberio” (Shakespeare 61), because she knew that Julie will gat sorrow if she notice that the man was actually Romeo.

    3.Based on the text attractiveness of Juliet are cheek that stands out even at the night and the beauty that makes Romeo think that he did not know true love until Romeo sees her. Attractiveness of Rome is how he is aggressive to Juliet and loves her deeply, even though he just saw her once.

    4.Unattractiveness part for Romeo is how he falls in love with Juliet after seeing her for a second. Before falling in love you need to know that person more to love that person truly. This applies to Juliet too.

    5. Gentlemen and then, I thank you and I thank you.
    There will be a foolish banquet coming up.
    Is it even so? If not, I thank you all then.
    I thank you for your honesty, gentlemen. Good night.
    Bring more torches to here!

  6. 1. Tybalt is really mad that Montague’s son, Romeo is at the Capulet’s party. Tybalt is so mad that he tells his servant that Romeo must be killed, but the Lord Capulet arrives and stops him. It is surprising that the Lord Capulet stops the nephew of his wife. But after seeing the movie, it might be understandable, because the Lord Capulet was drunk.

    2. The Nurse is kind of a character that looks like she is not so into the story or related to the play, but the one that is actually who is making the flow of the play balanced and get going. To the question of “why is she so crucial to the story” is as I mentioned earlier, she is crucial to the story because she is making the play go through. You can see that from these quotes:
    Nurse: pg59 Lines 126~130
    “Her mother is the lady of the house
    And a good lady, and a wise and virtuous.
    I nursed her daughter that you talked withal.
    I tell you, he that can lay hold of her
    Shall have the chinks.”
    Nurse: pg61 Lines 152~153
    “His name is Romeo, and a Montague,
    The only son of your great enemy.”

    3. I think Romeo is attractive in the way that he truly loves her and let’s Juliet know his feelings from the moment he first saw her. For Juliet, I would say her pureness that she would just be the way Romeo makes her to, and looks at him as of like saying that he is the only.

    4. At the same time, Romeo sounds a little bit not a good boy. Because, he was so into Rosaline that he could not forget about, and his parents even could see that something in him was wrong that he looks all sad. But suddenly, falls in love with a girl, who he had never talked or even seen before. Same for Juliet, even though she knew that she needs to spend her time with Paris, she does not listen to her mother and runs away from her with Romeo (In the house).

    5. I think you miss-typed the lines because those lines did not have any rhyming schemes so, I found one myself, I will do the same thing on the lines, 102~105, where Romeo speaks.
    “If I profane with my unworthiest hand
    This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
    My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
    To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”
    In this quatrain, “hand” and “stand” rhymes, and “this” and “kiss” rhymes.
    The paraphrase of this quatrain is,
    If I treat you with my unworthy hand
    This holy person, the gentle manner is this:
    My two blushing lips are ready for pilgrim
    To free from that rough with a true kiss.

  7. 1. As Tybalt found out that Romeo, one of the Montague family was in Capulet's party and he was very upset and tried to fight Romeo. But surprisingly, Capulet stopped Tybalt because he knew that Romeo would not cause any problem and he is trying to enjoy the party. This is surprising because as we all knew and thought those two families hate each other for their lives but they do have little sympathy.

    2. "This is the matter- Nurse, give leave awhile, We must talk in secret. Nurse, come back again; I have remembered me, thou's hear our counsel. Thou knowest my daughter's of a pretty age" (Shakespeare 37).
    This is what Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet said. As she wanted to speak to Juliet about something important, she told nurse to leave but later realized that nurse is the person who knows Juliet very well so Lady Capulet called her back. If Romeo has Benvolio and Mercutio, Juliet has nurse.

    3. Contents described their looks beautifully. Which affect them a lot. Also as Romeo very pure and truthful person and Juliet as like beautiful snow on the field has no one stepped on. I personally think they are attracted to each other more because of the facts that they can not be together easily.

    4. Even though he looks handsome, how he acts is like playboy wanna be. How he changes person he likes in one second, it might sounds romantic but lunatic also.
    As Juliet is still young also, I can not expect her to be mature but from young age just accepting propose in one second is total madman.

    5. I don't really get what part I am suppose to paraphrase... I found one on page 61..
    It is Capulet speaking to Romeo and his friends that "Do not leave yet, there will be some banquet coming up" but then he whispers again, "Thank you honest gentlemen (because they did not cause any trouble?), good night.

  8. 1) Thybalt reaction when he saw Romeo was to kill him. He sees every Montague as a villain. For Capulet he let it slide, this was shocking because Capulet and Montague are enemies.
    2) The nurse for me is like a messenger / a friend to Juliet. The nurse is by the book, by she follows every rule that she needs to follow, and how the Nurse is a friend to Juliet. She’s a friend by understanding Juliet’s feelings.
    3) The attractive side to Romeo is he’s a simple gentleman. For Juliet, she is like a dove, white, pure and beautiful.
    4) The un-attractive side to Romeo is he still in love with Rosaline but he kiss another girl, forgetting about his lost love. The un-attractive side to Juliet is she’s a push over. Juliet is a push over because she can’t speak for her self and she let her mother decide everything for her.
    5) I think the rhyming scheme is a couplet with enjambment. The line 136-139 for me, I think it means go home and go to bed.

  9. 1. When Tybalt realized that Romeo was at the party, He was in rage and thought he was going to crush the party, so he asked for swords to his servant. He told to Capulet, but Capulet did not wanted the party to be ruined because of the quarrel with the Montague and also he knew that Romeo had a good manner, so he told Tybalt to calm down and let Romeo enjoy the party as well as other guests.

    2. "Her mother is the lady of the house."(Shakespeare 60, 126)
    "His name is Romeo, and a Motague,
    The only son of your great enemy."(Shakespeare 61, 152-153)
    By reading these quotes, my image to the nurse is that she is like her mother, because she is concerned about her love a fair, and I feel like she knows about Juliet more than her mother. The reason I think so is because of the movie we watched last class. her mother was fancy and sounded a little dumb and only thinks about love, but nurse was cheering her from her heart... i think, and takes care of Juliet like a mother.

    3. I think the attractive part of Romeo is that he thinks calmly and takes everything serious. but by taking everything too serious, that is may be his complex too. Juliet's attractive part is the she is still a pure girl and she acts one like it too, not like the typical girl in other stories who lives in a rich family.

    4. He is not attractive because he is a "play boy" and the difference before meeting Juliet and after was totally different, because he used to be in love with Rosaline, but now, he thinks Juliet is the most beautiful woman on earth. I don't know about Juliet's unattractive part yet.


  10. 1. Tybalt caught Roemo by his voice and he really hates the Montagues, so he tried to kill him but the Lord Capulet stopped him from killing.
    2. Nurse is a character who tells everything to Juliet. She told her that Romeo was from the Montague family. This is important since it is the scene where she realizes that the man he love is from the enemy family. She also doesn’t know anything “I know not” also “what’s this?” (Shakespeare 63).
    3. Romeo is very attractive and handsome. He is “virtuous and well-governed youth” (Shakespeare 57). This is the type of man Juliet is looking for, not Count Paris.
    4. Romeo is not attractive since he can never forget about the girl who he liked, like Rosaline. Also, he is like a playboy. He changes his minds too quickly. As soon as he saw Juliet, he fell in love with her, and forgot about Rosaline.
    Don’t leave yet gentlemen
    We still have up desserts
    (whispers) really?
    Thank you for coming and your honesty, good night
    Bring more torches people!

  11. 1. What is Tybalt's reaction to Romeo arriving at the Capulet's party? How does Capulet's reaction differ? Is this surprising?
    Tybalt's reaction on finding out that Romeo was in the Capulet was that he was very angry. Lord Capulet's reaction to when Tybalt tells him Romeo is at the party is to leave him alone and let him have some fun. Lord Capulet's reaction is surprising because capulets and monatgues are rivals and usually the normal reaction on finding out the one of your rivals at the party is not a good one.

    2. What kind of character is the nurse? Use a quote as support. She is not a major character, but why is she so crucial to the story?
    Nurse is on the Capulets side she is basically the one who takes care of Juliet. She is a major part of the story because she is the one who knows about Romeo and Juliet and also helping Romeo and Juliet to keep it quiet. She helps them because Juliet is like a daughter to her since she was the one who basically raised her and she sees how happy Juliet is with Romeo.
    3. Based only on the text, what is attractive about Romeo? What is attractive about Juliet?
    What is attractive about Romeo is that when he is in love he is really heavenly in love with that one person. What is attractive about Juliet is she is kind of a care free kind of person but she is also sweet yet also innocent.
    4. Based only on the text, what is NOT attractive about Romeo? What is NOT attractive about Juliet?
    What is not attractive about Romeo is that how he can be so in love with Rosaline then all of sudden just stop. Also what is not attractive about Juliet is that she says that she doesnt want to marry Paris because she doesnt know him but she falls in love with Romeo without even knowing him at all so to me I feel that shes kind of a hypocrite.
    5. Identify the rhyming scheme of 136 - 139. Then paraphrase those lines.
    There is no ryming scheme between 136-139
    Though between 136-139 to paraphrase it in the book it is where Lord Capulet is talking to Romeo when Romeo just found out that Juliet is a Capulet and lord Capulet bumps into him basically saying dont go yet we still have lots to come in the party stay though Ill go to bed.

  12. 1. When Tybalt notice that Romeo was at the party he was really disturb. He was about to throw Romeo out of the building when Lord Capulet stopped him. He told Tybalt that he should be a gentleman and just let Romeo be. This was shocking because the Capulet and the Montagues were enemies.
    2. The nurse is kind of like the Benvolio, the character that are always around the main character. “Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days” (Shakespeare 43). The nurse is the one that takes care of Juliet and also the person that lead Juliet to the path that should take. I believe she is crucial because the nurse could have a influence on Juliet.
    3. Romeo is really passionate person that takes love seriously that is hard to find in people now. Juliet is really adorable, she is this little innocent girl that just makes man wanted to treasure her.
    4. Romeo is not really flexible about love, once his relationship ends he looks like he will die any minutes. Juliet should really decide what she wants, its kind of annoying when a girl always say they don't know and look like they're lost.
    5. The rhyming scheme is couplets. The Capulet just telling people thanks for coming and good bye.

  13. 1.As Tybalt recognize Romeo’s voice, he starts to get irritated and feel uncomfortable. He cannot calm down and keeps on explaining “this is a Montague, our foe” (Shakespeare 57). As Tybalt gets mad, Capulet stayed calm telling him to “ content thee, gentle coz, leave him alone” (Shakespeare 57). It is surprising that Capulet stays calm and keeps his tolerance because they are actually enemies and I predicted everyone on Capulet’s side to react like Tybalt.

    2.Although Nurse is not a major character, she plays a crucial part in the play because she is the one who introduces the conflict of the story. She is the one who explains everything to Juliet and to us that “ his name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy” so they are not suppose to stay together. Nurse also stays as a supporter of Juliet since she knows her since Juliet was a baby.

    3.Based on the text, he seems handsome, calm, cool, but very romantic. Juliet seems to be innocent and pure. Also I get a feeling that she is feminine and beautiful.

    4.Romeo seems indecisive and he is not outgoing at all. Also he keeps on changing his minds about girls, which from my perspective is not cool at all. Juliet seems to be a nice girl but both in a positive and negative way. She follows what her mother tells her and doesn’t really push her opinion.

    5.I couldn’t really find a rhyming scheme here but I thought lines 136 and 138 matched and 137 and 139 matched because it seemed as if two people was talking.

    We still have dessert coming up. Oh is that so? Well then Thank you very much. Thank you to everyone and good night. Bring some torches and lets go back.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  14. 1.Tybalt was telling the people Romeo was dance and try to kill him, like “To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (Shakespeare 55). He said. Romeo telling Tybalt he can’t not take him, but I don’t really know the meaning of this lines.
    2."Go ask his name.---If he be married, My grave is like to be my wedding bed. His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy. My only love, sprung from my only hate!" (Shakespeare, 61) this is the best quote I like of nurse, she is not the main character but she tell as so many way of Romeo and Jeliet.
    3.Romeo is the most handsome guy in the novel and he is nice to govern youth, Juliet is the most pretty and Romeo is in love with her.
    4.Romen wasn’t attractive when the first time he saw Juliet, because he was still love Juliet, but by the way of Juliet dance, Romeo change is mind and star in love with her.
    5.I cound’t found ant rhyming scheme in these pages, but o found in other pages they were talking but is only match the page to other pages.
    Sandy Chen
