Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog # 2

Please read 81 - 90 and respond to the prompts below.  Use complete sentences and quotes when required.

1.  Why does Solzhenitsyn refer to a prisoner as "X 123" instead of using his name (81)?  What does this do to his persona?
2.  The crew hadn't done any work in the first part of the day for the site.  But they had worked for themselves.  What had they done?
3.  What do we learn of Tiurin in these pages? (3-4 sentences)
4.  Why do you think the Estonian brothers trust Shukhov?  Be specific (2-3 sentences)
5.  How is a squad defined on the bottom of 87?
6.  Pick three construction vocabulary terms and define them.

Due: Thursday, 9.15 (Before class)


  1. 1. I am not quite sure because I couldn't find any correct or right answer. I could assume only from the sentence that describes him which is 'a stringy old man who was serving a twenty-year sentence. He was eating kasha' (Mitchel 80). What I assumed was that because he has been in the jail too long that he got a nickname or people there do not care about him much.

    2. Because it was such a bad weather condition. They took time to repair the stoves arranged to get place warmed up.

    3. Tiurin started to talk about his past. How he was running away and had to go through tough situation and he even lost his brother and he is not able to see him again.

    4. When Shukhov asked Estonian brothers for cigarette, they lent him a cigarette thought cigarette is very important supply in prison.

    5.Squad is described as a very important role. Squad is the one feeds them. Therefore, they respect him and listen to him. And they know that squad leader would not make them work for nothing which means they trust him. So probably, squad is described as like an anchor.

    6. Block-laying : piling up the blocks or bricks
    Scaffold : It's for high place construction and for foothold for workers when they carry stuffs.
    Plumb : It's a small weight that weight about 0.2kg ~ 1kg. It's used to measure the vertical line.

  2. 1. Guards treated the prisoner as tools, so they are called by numbers. Prisoners are not treated as individual, more like robots. As a prisoner they loses their individuality.

    2.Instead of working, they prepared for good working condition for themselves before work.

    3 Through these pages, we understood Tiurin better. He is well- respected, he knows each squad member well and also we learned about Tiruin's past.

    4." Listen, Eino, lend me some for a cigarette till tomorrow. You know I won't let you down". Shukov is a trustworthy person that everyone knows he keep his word.

    5 A squad listens to the leader's command anytime, more authorities then guards.

    6.Mason- a person who dresses stones or bricks.
    Trowel- any tools having a flat blade with a handle
    Ramp- a sloping surface connecting two levels

  3. 1. Solzhenitsyn refers a prisoner as "X 123" because he does not know his name.
    2. The crew had worked on chipping the ice,block-laying and making the montar.
    3. What we learn from Turin from these pages is that Turin was discharged from the Solviet Union because he was Kulak's son and he was hiding from him.Another thing you learn about him was that he had a "brother" who was named Eino but had let him go to road workers because he wanted his "brother" to learn how to live.
    4. The Estonian brothers trust Shukhov because they had given him a cigarette. In prison cigarettes are very valuable to them.
    5. Squad is defined as person they have to follow but probably has an eye to eye level with him. Thy listen to him because he is the one that feeds them. If he ask anyone of them to work even in there break they would work straight away because that means for them that they will get there food and a possible chance they could get more.
    6. Montar: Mix that you use for the block-laying like cement.
    Block-laying: When you pile the blocks in layers together with the montar.
    Zek: The meaning of Zek is an inmate.

  4. 1. I am not quite sure because I couldn't find any correct or right answer. I could assume only from the sentence that describes him which is 'a stringy old man who was serving a twenty-year sentence. He was eating kasha' (Solzhenitsyn 80). What I assumed was that because he has been in the jail too long that he got a nickname or people there do not care about him much.

    2. Because it was such a bad weather condition. They took time to repair the stoves arranged to get place warmed up.

    3. Tiurin started to talk about his past. How he was running away and had to go through tough situation and he even lost his brother and he is not able to see him again.

    4. When Shukhov asked Estonian brothers for cigarette, they lent him a cigarette thought cigarette is very important supply in prison.

    5.Squad is described as a very important role. Squad is the one feeds them. Therefore, they respect him and listen to him. And they know that squad leader would not make them work for nothing which means they trust him. So probably, squad is described as like an anchor.

    6. Block-laying : piling up the blocks or bricks
    Scaffold : It's for high place construction and for foothold for workers when they carry stuffs.
    Plumb : It's a small weight that weight about 0.2kg ~ 1kg. It's used to measure the vertical line.

  5. 1. I think the reason why Solzhenitsyn refers to a prisoner as “X 123” because he was not a respectable person, and he wouldn’t want to record his name. “X 123 struck the table angrily with the edge of his hand” (Solzhenitsyn 81), this quote shows his personality really clearly, that he is not a clever, either polite person.
    2. The crews were told to fix the stove to be paid, but they didn’t get paid because they did not do what Tiurin had told them to. Instead, they replaced the stove for themselves. So Tiurin was not pleased with their jobs therefore, “They weren’t paid” (Solzhenitsyn 82).
    3. From pages 83 through 86, we can tell that Tiurin is a really nice and polite person. He sits with the prisoners and tells them his stories and tries to be as friendly as he can. “He spoke calmly, as if he were telling someone else’s story” (Solzhenitsyn 85). This quote shows that he is a really relaxing and open-minded person.
    4. First of all, “Estonian brothers”, are not real brothers, that are why Solzhenitsyn put quotation marks on the text, “his ‘brother’” (Solzhenitsyn 84). The “brothers” trusted Shukhov, because everybody knows that he wouldn’t lie. Because, even the doctor did not doubt him when he visited the doctor.
    5. On the bottom of page 87, the guard is defined this way; “a squad leader can tell his men to get on with the job even during the breaks, and they’ll do it” (Solzhenitsyn 87). Since the book is comparing the squad with a guard, it shows that even though they have less physical powers, they squads would look more polite and smarter than the guards out there.
    6. Trowels are something you use to level, spread or to apply to smoothen the plastic or any kind of material to attach them. Axes are used to split or cut woods or any kind of materials that can be cut by the axe. Mortar is a tool that you can use to mix, grind or crush any solid substances.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 1. I think they use “X123” instead of their names because prisoners is more like an equipment to finish the work they are provided, rather than an individual. Name doesn’t really matter in this camp. You just have to work hard.
    2. Instead of doing the work they were supposed to do, they fixed the stoves and arranged a place to warm up. They only worked “for themselves, not for the building site” (Solzhenitsyn 82).
    3. Throught Tiurin’s story, we learned that he also went through hard times like the others in the camp. Before, he was a scary leader but after his story, people felt sympathetic to him and started to show more respect towards him. Contrary to before, everyone worked really hard and Shukhov was very concentrated that “his thoughts were elsewhere” (Solzhenitsyn 90).
    4. We know that the Estonian brothers trust Shukhov because they gave him their cigarette, which is a really precious and rare thing in the camp. Also, we can tell that the cigarette was an important thing for the brothes by giving only “pinch of tobacco…just enough for one for cigarette, no more” (Solzhenitsyn 85).
    5.Squad is defined as a team. They work together as a group to “live through it” (Solzhenitsyn 87). Guards cannot make the members work but the squad leader can because they respect each other and knows that “he’d never make them work for nothing” (Solzhenitsyn 88).
    6. Mortar is a glue to use to stick bricks together made out of cement or with coal. Scaffold is a place where the workers stand on in a high place. Trestle is a set of sloping supports holding a horizontal structure.

    Hikari Mizuno A2

  8. 1. Solzhenitsyn is called "X 123" because he didn't record his name.
    2. They fixed the stoves to arrange a place to warm up. (Solzhenitsyn 82)
    3. Tiurin never waste his words, and if he permitted himself to talk, then he was in a good humor. He too hadn't learned to eat with his hat on, and when his head was bared he looked old. He was close-cropped like all of them, but in the light of the flames you could see how many white hairs he had. (Solzhenitsyn 83)
    4. Everybody knows that Shukhove never lies and even the doctor does not doubt him so they trusted him.
    5. Squad in this book has kind of slavery in it because members have to work whenever their leader tells them to, but different thing from slavery is that they get payed for their work.
    6.trowel- a small garden tool for digging small holes or removing weeds.
    axes- a tool used for cutting wood.
    mortar- a mixture of sand, water, and cement that is used for putting bricks together.

  9. 1. X 123 just refers to the Soviet communism. That they stay with old art and cannot understand the avant-garde art. So it doesn’t matter whether it has a name or not. Or maybe making it X123, more emphasis.
    2. They fixed the stove for them selves to warm up. Also arranged a place to warm up in.
    3. I learned the past of Tiurin. I learned how Tiurin’s punishment is just as unfair as Shukhov and other zeks. Tiurin’s crime is that he is a son of kulak, which he cannot do anything about it.
    4. Estonia brother knows that they can trust Shukhov. Even the doctors and guard trust him. The guard doesn’t make him do the 3 day thing. The doctor doesn’t think he is lying when he is is sick.
    5. Squad and leader’s bond is stronger because although they there is a leader, the leader is also part of the squad. Guard can’t make the squad. Leader can because the squad knows it’s for them.
    6. plumb – measure depth
    leveling rod - A graduated pole or stick with a movable marker, used with a surveyor's level to measure differences in elevation.
    Parcel – quantity or amount of something

    Seiya A2

  10. 1. The prisoners in the Gulag are not normal people to the guards. The guards probably don’t know each person’s name, so they decided to the prisoners by numbers. Also, prisoners are tools to the guards.

    2. The weather condition was really horrible, so the prisoners decided to fix the stoves to make themselves comfortable.

    3. Tiurin is a bright, polite and respected person. He treats the prisoners nicely, and he also agrees that the Soviet Union was oppressive. We found out that he had a brother and lost his brother. He worked as a road worker.

    4. The Estonian brothers gave a cigarette to Shukhov even though cigarettes are very important in Gulag.

    5. The squad is a person who takes care of the prisoners by feeding them. He has an authority to make the prisoners to work, so when he says to do something, the prisoners would work immediately. This means if they work harder, they get more food.

    6. Ramp- a sloping surface
    Plumb- a thing that measures the vertical line
    Axes- used to cut wood and other materials

  11. 1. Shukhov called the old man X 123 mostly because he does not know his name. The old man has a very bad temper as well so I believe Shukhov just doesn't want to argue with him or anything.
    2. The workers were suppose to get paid for fixing the stove however, they didn't get paid at all so instead fixing it for others, they fixed it for their own beneficial purpose. “They weren't paid for fixing the stoves, they weren't paid for arranging a place to warm up in-they had done that for themselves,” (Solzhenitsyn 82).
    3. In these pages, we learned more about Tiurin's past. When his crew gather, he started telling stories about his past. How he got separated with his brother and never seen him again. Until today, he had regraded about the decision he made that night.
    4. I believe it's because most people in the prison know that Shukhov was the most trustworthy person in the whole Gulag. Plus no one ever doubt about the things he said, not even the doctor.
    5. Tiurin called them the “mortar mixers” and also tell them to don't wait for he whistle. The squad should only listen to the squad leader, not to the guard. The squad leader were the one who feed them and take care of them. A good squad leader never let his crew work for nothing.
    6. Block-laying: it's a blocks that are layer together with the mortar
    Mortar: It's a cement like thing that you mix it with block-laying.
    Parcel: A volume of a fluid.

  12. 1) I think the writer called "X123" instead of its name, because once you add a new character and its name; story will get a bit confusing. Since "X123" is not that important character in the story, to prove that, I think the writer called it that way. "X123 stuck the table angrily with the edge of his hand" (Solzhenitsyn, 81).
    2) The crew didn't work at the begging since the weather condition wasn't good enough, they had waited till the weather turned better, and after they had warmed up.
    3) We learned about Tiurin's path till here. He successfully rode on the train, and had some help from the girls in the train for hiding him. "'I'm in a special coach, girls, heading straight for death'" (Solzhenitsyn,86). From this, we can learn that he is a kind hearted person since he also helped those girls getting on the train.
    4) The Estonian brothers trusted Shulkov, since he gave some cigarette. Even though cigarette was very valuable for them at this time, Shulkov was kind enough to share some of his. This shows how kind he is, and how trustworthy he is; so the Estonian brothers was able to trust him.
    5) If its an order from the guard, people wouldn't work even though if it is a work time; but if its an order from the squad, even if the time is not for work, they will have to work since squad is the one who is feeding them. Food was everything for them back then, so it was very important to listen to the squad's order.
    6) mortar - A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle
    faucet - A device for regulating the flow of a liquid from a reservoir such as a pipe or drum
    derisively - in a disrespectful and mocking manner

    Suzu Hiroyama

  13. 1) In this context, I think they are the author is trying to cover the name because X 123 is showing anger and negativity. X 123 is a negative person and he was always mad at art.
    2) Due to bad weather, they are not able to work, so they are hibernating and trying to get heat for their body. Shukov fixed a stove so they wont be so cold.
    3) As the Kulak son Tiurin was “Discharge from the ranks”(Solzhenitsyn 84). I learned that he lost his ranks and he was a man with a good sense of humor. The only flaw that against the army is he knows how to eat in a mannerly fashion because he “hadn’t learn to eat with his hat on”(Solzhenitsyn 83)
    4) The Estonian brothers are like the same person character wise and if they trust someone, they both trust that person. The thing that made Shukhov a trustworthy friend is because he was given a cigarette, an important stuff in prison.
    5) The squad was defined as the stronger men than the guards. The guard voice is not listened to, but the squad leaders voice was listened and recognized.
    6) Plumb- Measure in vertical line
    Block Laying- Putting block together with concrete to create a wall
    Leveling rod- a rod that determines the different elevation

  14. 1.The "X 123" is like a code name towards the prisoners, and they do this to them because they are nothing but tools from the guards perspective.
    2.They worked for themselves because the tempreture was too low. They worked with the heater and the walls even they dont get paid for it.

    jun ogawa a1
    3.We learn how he comes to the gulag. He is a kind man. Also it talks about how he had lost his brother, because of the Soviet Unions.
    4.Because the Estonian brothers gave Shukhov the cigarette, we can tell that the Estonian brothers trust Shukhov. The cigarette had a very high value for the people in the gulag.
    5.The squad leaders had the high possition over the workers since they were the ones who gave food to their workers. If you do good infront of the squad leader, the more better the squad leader would treat you.
    6.block-laying : to lay blocks together with the mortar
    parcel: a volume of liquid(measurement)
    ramp: a slope

  15. sorry~ i got my name and class in the middle...hahaha
    jun ogawa

  16. 1) The reason for Solzhenitsyn refers to a prisoner as “X 123 is that he didn’t record himself so they called the numbers.

    2) They fixed the stove because they were cold.

    3) I think I learned about Tiurin’s lifetime because he told prisoners about his past. He is actually nice guy and people respect him more after he tells his story because he wasn’t that good leadership before.

    4) Everyone knows that Shukhov wouldn’t lie and even Estonian brothers trust Shukhov because they gave him the cigarette.

    5) Squad is defined that they listened to him because he wasn’t that mean and he didn’t give too much works to them. So they respect him more.

    6) Axes- is for cutting woods
    Block-laying- the pairs of concrete
    Trowel- tool with a curved, scooplike blade

  17. 1. Because in this story, he is a prisoner so they are tools for use so they don't need their name.

    2. Their work was due on bad weather and it was hard to continue to work so they fixed the stove for warm up.

    3. We learned from these pages about more Tiurin's past. He started talking about why and how did he runaway from Soviet Union. He was Kulak's son and he have to hide from him and its secret and also he have a "brother" but he can't able to see him again.

    4. Because cigarettes are very important for prisoners and Shukhov request to him to buy which means Shukov trust him and he notice that so he trust Shukov.

    5. Squaders listen to their leader because the leader feeds them and they trust leader.

    6. Mortar: the mixture of cement, sand, and lime and use for block-laying.
    Block-Laying: putting blocks like layer using with mortar.
    Plumb: measure in vertical line, to try to understand or succeed completely.

  18. 1. I think the reason he called X 123 in the letter and numbers is because he was only the member of Russians and was that important to have a proper name.
    2. They made the place to warm their selves and also fixed the stove.
    3. I learned that he likes to talk about him self, but not like bragging about his past. Also he has a manner like Shukhov, because he takes off his hat while he eats.
    4. The reason that Estonian brothers trust them is because they all know that Shukhov doesn't make up stories or tries to ditch the work. Even the doctors and the guards know that.
    5. It shows that the squad is like a family and a group. No one can't control the squads besides the leader of the squad. If they are in individual, the guards can control them easily, but if they were squads, they don't stop works until the leader says stop.
    6. Zek-forced labor camp
    Kulak- wealthy peasant, but labor in the camp
    Ramp- a slope

  19. 1.Because Solzhenitsyn he doesn’t want make each person in individual, that’s why he makes the number name for each member, so everyone will be like the same, and Solzhenitsyn was “a stringy old man who was serving a twenty-year sentence. He was eating kasha” (Solzhenitsyn 80). And he had long time didn’t really talk to people, so he won’t care about people that much.

    2.Because the weather was really bad for working, and they were ”near the round iron stove that Shukhov had fixed, or near the one where the sand was steaming as it dried” (Solzhenitsyn 82)

    3.In this short page, we can really tell Tiurin was the really nice person, and he was telling the stories to the prisoners, and be as nice as he can do to them, “He spoke calmly, as if he were telling someone else’s story” (Solzhenitsyn 85). This quote shows how he kind is him, and he is really positive as well.

    4.How Estonian trust Shukhov because he didn’t lie to others, and thay really trust each other, and they give Estonian the cigarette, so even they are not the real brother, but they still be like the brother as they do.

    5.“A squad is. A guard can’t get people to budge even in working hours, but a squad leader can tell his men to get on with the job even during the break, and they’ll do it” (Solzhenitsyn 87). So the squad has many rules, and we have to follow it.

    6.Block-laying -one of their work, the block
    Plumb – 90 degree
    Derisively- laugh in the mean way

  20. 1.Solzhenitsyn refer as “X 123” because usually, prisoners are called with numbers instead of their name. I think he used numbers to make it easy to distinguish X 123 from other characters.
    2.The crew worked for fixing the stove instead of doing their actual jobs.
    3.Tiurin looked old because of his white hair, but he is a gentle person. He told his stories to everyone in a calm behavior. Also, no one opposes to him.
    4.Estonian brothers trusted Shukov because he promised to not let them down. Also, his low voice had a powerful conviction.
    5.Squad is thought as a strong role. They always move forward and act very flexible.
    6.Mortar: A material used for holding bricks and stones together.
    Block-laying: To pile up blocks.
    Trestle: Wooden or metal structure with two pairs of legs, which is used to support a flat surface.

  21. 1, Solzhenitsyn refers to a prisoner as X123 because there’s no prisoner’s individuality in the jail, prisoners are treated like tool to finish their given works. Guard treats prisoners as a number, not by their individuality
    2,Due to the bad weather, they fixed the stoves to make their place warmer.
    3, From these pages I have better understanding of Tiurin’s past how he lost his brother and Tiurin himself. He’s well-mannered and esteemed person who treats prisoner better than others
    4,Estonian brothers trust Shukov because they gave him a cigarette, it was important and precious in the camp.
    5,Spuad is a person who feeds prisoners. “We’ll live through it, even in this power station. Get going, mortar mixers. Don't wait for the whistle”(Solzhenitsyn 87), it shows that squad should listen to squad leader and they have authority to make prisoners work.
    6, Mortar- a bowl shaped cavity in which substances are powdered or mixed
    percel- amount of fluid
    plumb- measuring depth

  22. 1. He called “X123” because he didn’t know how to call in the other name. So that the prisoner’s name could be covered.
    2. The crew hadn't done any work in the first part of the day for the site. But they had worked for themselves because they were planning for the good works before the actual work.
    3. We learn of Tiurin in these pages. He told people about his past to let them know about him more. He told them that he regretted it means that he actually said to him not to regret their life anymore.
    4. I believe that Estonia brothers trust Shukhov because they gave him cigarette to him even it was precious to them. That’s why he was relying on them.
    5. Squad defined as an important position. This is because every prisoner respects squad and they also trust him.
    6. Mortar is a glue to use to stick bricks together made out of cement or with coal.
    Scaffold is for high place construction and for foothold for workers when they carry stuffs.
    Plumb is a thing that measures the vertical line.
