Sunday, February 26, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front - Blog # 1

Please read Ch. 1-3 and respond to the prompts below.  Use quotes when stipulated.

1.  What are the soldiers taught in "boot camp" and what does war do to these teachings?  Use a quote as support.

2.  Who are / were the "Iron Youth" and how does this end up being ironic?

3.  Kemmerich's boots are the largest symbol of the novel.  How are they viewed in different ways and what does this tell us about each character?

4.  How does war replace their previous schooling?  What does this say about the timeless battle of war vs. culture?

5.  How do we see veterans contrasted with new recruits?  Where else do you see this situation in life?  Use a quote as support.

6.  What does the following quote say about war?  "Give 'em all the same grub and all the same pay / And the war would be over and done in a day" (41).

7.  Kat is a "cobbler."  Look up "cobbler" if you don't know it.  How does it reflect his character?  What is he good at doing?

8. The language is simple but there are a lot of things going on in the opening chapters.  What has struck you thus far about this novel?  What has been powerful to you?  Use quotes as support. (1 Paragraph).

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Blog # 3

Please read Ch. 16 & 17 and respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes as support when stipulated.

1.  Henry and Dorian are superlative conversationalists.  The Duchess, however, is quite adept as well.  Cite one of her strongest lines.  Use a direct quotation.

2.  Why does Dorian faint?

3.  How does Henry Describe women?  Use a quote.  What does it mean?

4.  How does Dorian escape being murdered and by whom?  Be very specific in your response.  How has the portrait saved him?

5.  Why, at the age of 60, was the Duchess's husband jaded?  Look up jaded.  Is this natural as people grow older?  Why?

6.  Lord Henry says, "To be popular one must be a mediocrity" (165).  Compare this expression to the mathematical acronym: LCD (Least Common Denominator).

Due: Thursday, 2.9