Monday, May 21, 2012

Animal Farm Blog # 1

Please respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes when required.

Ch. 3
1.  What do the animals have to celebrate?  Give a quote as support.

2.  Which animals do not work as hard as the rest?  Is this indicative of human behavior?

3.  To what degree do animals learn to read?

Ch. 4
1.  What happens once the word of "Animal Farm" spreads?  Use a quote as support.

2.  What do the neighboring farmers have to do in order to join together against the animals?

3.  Whose military tactics does Snowball use to defend Animal Farm?  Use a quote as support.

4.  What is the battle called and which animals emerge as heroes?  

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Stranger - Blog # 2

Please read Part II, Ch. 3 & 4 and respond to the prompts below.  Use quotes when stipulated.
1.  What is the role of the sun on page 82? Use a quote as support.

2.  What does the following quote say about humanity.  "They were all looking at me: I realized that they were the jury.  But I can't say what distinguished one from another" (83).

3.  How does one see social conventions on page 84?

4.  What mattered more to Mersault?  The details of the trial or the trial itself?  What does this say about his manner of thinking?

5.  What evidence did the prosecution have against Mersault?  Use a quote as support.  In your opinion, was this sufficient to convict him of murder?

6.  In your opinion, is Mersault's treatment of his mother relevant to his murder case?

7.  Give one example of how one sees Mersault adapt to his surroundings.  Use a quote as support.

8.  Mersault realizes for the first time that he "was guilty" (90).  Does this differ from him thinking: "I am guilty"?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Stranger - Blog # 1

Please read Part I and respond to the prompts below.  2-4 sentences should suffice; use a quote when stipulated.

1.  Does Salamano's grief over his dog impact Mersault?

2.  Pretend you are a Feminist critic.  There are abundant examples of misogyny; please cite 3 examples.

3.  Why do you think Mersault doesn't care if he is married or not?

4.  Mersault, while not looking for an excuse, partially blames the murder on the environment.  What does this say about the way Camus deals with the environment?  Is it positive? Negative? Neutral?  Use a quote as support.

5.  When Mersault commits the murder, he shatters "the harmony of the day, the exceptional beach where [he'd] been happy" (58).  Does this imply that he regrets his crime?

6.  Describe the lifestyle in Tangiers.  Does it seem appealing?  Think of the environment, the city and the beach.  How about the weather?  Use one quote as support.

7.  Cite three things Mersault is indifferent towards.

8.  "Ambition is futile".  Would Mersault agree or disagree?

Due: Sunday, 4.29

Friday, April 6, 2012

Blog # 4 - All Quiet on the Western Fron

Please respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes when stipulated.
Due: Monday, 4.9 (Before Class)

1.  Paul gets angry at the nuns for praying.  This may seem like a small affair, but what are the larger implications of this scene?

2.  What does having a "shoot license" mean? Use a quote as support.

3.  What happens once you've been taken to the dead room?

4.  Where do they tell Paul they are taking him?  How does he know it's a trick?

5.  What kind of medical experiments are they doing on the soldiers? Use a quote as support.

6.  How does the new arrival attempt to kill himself?

7.  Explain the following quotes;

"A man cannot realize that above such shattered bodies there are still human faces in which life goes its daily round" (263).

"I see how peoples are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another" (263).

8.  Why does Detering take the cherry branches and what is his end?

9.  Cite one good example of how Germany is losing the war.  There are many to choose from.

10.  Using a quote as support, how many countries is Germany fighting against at this point in the novel?

11.  How does Kat save Paul's life?

12.  The boots, are we see, are prophetic and foretell the future.  Explain how this is true.

13.  One word, describe this book.  You cannot use a word that another student has already used.

Thanks for all your hard work with this novel!  Looking forward to enjoying the film...bring snacks.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front - Blog # 3

Please read 199 – 229 and respond to the prompts below in complete sentences.  Use quotes when stipulated.

1.            Where do we see an example of “understatement” on Pg. 99?  Cite the example.

2.            Cite the quote that best describes Paul’s sense of home or belonging.

3.            Who is the Kaiser?

4.            What’s the difference between “Fatherland” and “Country”, “People” and the “State”.

5.            How is war like a fever?  Use a quote as support.

6.            What do they have to do with the new uniforms in the end?  Why?

7.            “Comrades.” Pg. 212. Discuss. Use a quote as support 3-5 sentences.

8.            At first Paul does not kill a man… he kills an ________________.  Explain this. Have                   we seen it before in the novel?

9.            At the end of this section, does Paul feel closer or distanced from the enemy?  Use a             quote as support.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front Blog # 2

Please respond to the following prompts.  Use quotes when stipulated.
Due: Friday, 3.9 (before class).

1.  Why does Kat not shoot the injured soldier?  What would you have done if you had been there?

2.  How many die in the bombardment? Use quote as support.

3.  On Pg. 74, "monotonously" is repeated several times.  Why?  How can this word be applied to the larger context of war?

4.  How do they kill lice and how does Haie plan on using them?

5.  Who is arriving at the front? Use a quote as support.

6.  Why does Haie enjoy being in the army?

7.  Why does Tjaden not worry about going to "the clink", or jail?

8.  What did school not teach these soldiers?  Use a quote as support.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front - Blog # 1

Please read Ch. 1-3 and respond to the prompts below.  Use quotes when stipulated.

1.  What are the soldiers taught in "boot camp" and what does war do to these teachings?  Use a quote as support.

2.  Who are / were the "Iron Youth" and how does this end up being ironic?

3.  Kemmerich's boots are the largest symbol of the novel.  How are they viewed in different ways and what does this tell us about each character?

4.  How does war replace their previous schooling?  What does this say about the timeless battle of war vs. culture?

5.  How do we see veterans contrasted with new recruits?  Where else do you see this situation in life?  Use a quote as support.

6.  What does the following quote say about war?  "Give 'em all the same grub and all the same pay / And the war would be over and done in a day" (41).

7.  Kat is a "cobbler."  Look up "cobbler" if you don't know it.  How does it reflect his character?  What is he good at doing?

8. The language is simple but there are a lot of things going on in the opening chapters.  What has struck you thus far about this novel?  What has been powerful to you?  Use quotes as support. (1 Paragraph).

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Blog # 3

Please read Ch. 16 & 17 and respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  Use quotes as support when stipulated.

1.  Henry and Dorian are superlative conversationalists.  The Duchess, however, is quite adept as well.  Cite one of her strongest lines.  Use a direct quotation.

2.  Why does Dorian faint?

3.  How does Henry Describe women?  Use a quote.  What does it mean?

4.  How does Dorian escape being murdered and by whom?  Be very specific in your response.  How has the portrait saved him?

5.  Why, at the age of 60, was the Duchess's husband jaded?  Look up jaded.  Is this natural as people grow older?  Why?

6.  Lord Henry says, "To be popular one must be a mediocrity" (165).  Compare this expression to the mathematical acronym: LCD (Least Common Denominator).

Due: Thursday, 2.9

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog # 2 The Picture of Dorian Gray

A1 /A2 Blog # 2 –The Picture of Dorian Gray

Sorry for the late posting - the system has been down
Due: Thursday, 2.2 before class.

Ch. 12
1.            How old did Dorian turn?

2.            Why is Basil so worried about Dorian?

3.            Basil accuses Dorian of ruining several individuals, but what is Dorian’s rebuttal?

4.            What does Basil Say about Dorian’s soul and how does this impact Dorian?

Ch. 13
1.            Give 3 specific Gothic elements from this chapter.



2.  We know Dorian is going wild.  But murder?  Really?  Can you believe he would do it?  And ultimately, why did he do it?

3.  How does Dorian cover up his murder?  Give specific details.  Do you think it was a good plan?