Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front Blog # 2

Please respond to the following prompts.  Use quotes when stipulated.
Due: Friday, 3.9 (before class).

1.  Why does Kat not shoot the injured soldier?  What would you have done if you had been there?

2.  How many die in the bombardment? Use quote as support.

3.  On Pg. 74, "monotonously" is repeated several times.  Why?  How can this word be applied to the larger context of war?

4.  How do they kill lice and how does Haie plan on using them?

5.  Who is arriving at the front? Use a quote as support.

6.  Why does Haie enjoy being in the army?

7.  Why does Tjaden not worry about going to "the clink", or jail?

8.  What did school not teach these soldiers?  Use a quote as support.


  1. 1. Kat didn’t shoot the injured soldier because they were not alone anymore. The innocent recruits came to gather around to help the injured soldier. If I was to be there, I think putting end to him would be a better idea since he won’t have to suffer but I don’t think I would be able to shoot that guy even if it is for him. I will probably end up helping him by bringing him to a doctor.

    2. There were “five killed and eight wounded” (Remarque 73). I was surprised how it was “less than was to be expected” (Remarque 73) because five dead in such a short time is a lot for us.

    3. “monotonously” is repeated to show how usual all the bombardment went by. For the soldiers these events are normal. They repeat these kinds of events over and over throughout the war and the war lasts long so it is nothing for them. People dying also became normal and people loose their feeling towards it. The term also brings the sad atmosphere to the scene.

    4. First they were killing each louse one by one but there were a lot of them so he collect them and put it in a boot-polish tin. He said that he will “use the fat that slowly accumulates in the tin lid for polishing his boots” (Remarque 76).

    5. “Himmelstoss has come” (Remarque 76) to the front. He was punished for tormenting his recruits too much.

    6. He enjoys being in the army and wishes to stay after the war ends because everything is provided without working during the peacetime. He insists that “your food’s found every day, or else you kick up a row; you’ve a bed, every week clean underwear like a perfect gent, you do your non-com’s duty, you have a good suit of clothes; in the evening you’re a free man and go off to the pub” (Remarque 79). Other than the war, everything is easy.

    7. He is not worried about it because if he can rest in the clink. He said that “ five days clink are five days rest” (Remarque 83).

    8. School didn’t teach them “how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood” (Remarque 85). It didn’t teach them anything that are useful in real life or to survive. They believe all that are rubbish.

    Hikari Mizuno A1

  2. Kei Saya Datwani
    A2 Literature

    1. Kat did not shoot the wounded soldier, because other soldiers came so he was not alone anymore. If I were there I think I can do anything to help wounded soldier. I would feel sorry for him, but I can not kill him so I would wait for other soldiers to help him out.

    2. After the bombardment, “five killed and eight wounded” (Remarque 73).

    3. The word monotonously is repeated three times, because for soldiers death of people by bombardment is not a big deal. The bombardment is daily thing for soldiers. Therefore the word monotonously shows how soldiers are used to with the situation where their friends are dieing, and they are used to that.

    4. They were killing lice one by one, but killing lice one by one is tedious job. Therefore Tjaden used the lid of a boot-polish so that lice will be thrown into little pan. Haie plan on using them to accumulates tin-lid for polish his boots.

    5. “Himmelstoss has” arrived at the front (Remarque 76).

    6. Haie enjoy being in the army, because he gets everything he need to live. Although it is very tough in the War, in piece time he does not have to work but still gets food, place to sleep, clean underwear and good suit of clothes.

    7. Tjaden is not worry about getting sent to clink, because he thinks five days in clonk is five days of rest.

    8. School did not teach soldiers “how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood” (Remarque 85).

  3. 1. Kat did not shoot the injured soldier because, by the time Kat and Paul decided to shoot, there were already other young recruits around them. I had been there, I would probably won’t be even able to look the young injured soldier. Because just by reading, I got shivers all over my body. But of course I would not just stand there and stare; I would give my guts to take him to a safety place where we can find a doctor.

    2. There were five soldiers who died in the bombardment. “Our losses are less than was to be expected – five killed” (Remarque 73).

    3. The reason why “monotonously” is repeated several times is because, whatever is happening is what they had gone through so many time. Therefore, the bombardments or solders’ deaths do no longer feel as dreadful as they used to. This is because they are used to seeing soldiers die, bombardments being shot over. This word could be applied to the context of war by showing how soldiers lose their faiths in their life, future, dreams and families.

    4. Instead of killing them one by one, Tjaden decided to bring a box (boot-polish tin) to collect them and light them by the fire of a candle.

    5. Himmeltoss arrived at the front. “Himmeltoss has come” (Remarque 76). Himmeltoss was punished for overdoing with a couple of the young recruits.

    6. Haie enjoys being in the army because he would not have to worry about the food, place or payment. He says, “your food’s found every day, or else you kick up a row; you’ve a bed, every week clean underwear like a perfect gent, … in the evening you’re a free man and go off to the pub” (Remarque 79).

    7. Tjaden is not worry about going to “the clink”, because being in the clink is like having a rest from the war. “Five days clink are five days rest” (Remarque 83).

    8. In school, they were not taught how to “light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood” (Remarque 85). This is where the street and book knowledge is shown.

  4. 1) Why does Kat not shoot the injured soldier? What would you have done if you had been there?
    Kat didn’t shoot the soldier because he wanted to shoot him when no one ones around but there were people around them so he couldn’t. What I would have done if I had been there or had been kat I would not be able to shoot a person ever because I would never have the guts too. But if knowing that it was that bad to the point where you cant help him at all then I may have probably thought the same as Kat did is too shoot him so he won’t suffer anymore.

    2. How many die in the bombardment? Use quote as support.
    They said that “ to be expected-five killed and eight wounded” (Remarque 73). So Paul knew that there were 5 men that were at least killed and 8 that were injured.

    3. On Pg. 74, "monotonously" is repeated several times. Why? How can this word be applied to the larger context of war?
    Monotonously is repeated several times because they hear the sound of it all the time. This is applied to the larger context of war because after hearing and seeing the explosions,screaming,and gun shots etc. they hear and see it everywhere. The sound and the memory ofeverything from the battle it never goes away for them they hear it all the time now everyday, every minute and every hour and they know its going to go away for along time.
    4. How do they kill lice and how does Haie plan on using them?
    They kill lice by using Tjaden’s “boot-polish tin with a piece of wire over the lighted stump of a candle” (Remarque 75). After getting then out of there heads they put the lice in the pan. Though before that they hand used there hands to get the lice out. Haie plans on using the lice to polish his boots.
    5. Who is arriving at the front? Use a quote as support.
    Who appears “ at this moment Himmelstoss” (Remarque 81) at the front.

    6. Why does Haie enjoy being in the army?
    Haie enjoys being in the army because everything is done for him besides him going to battle. He enjoys that his food is found everyday, you have a bed, have clean underwear every week and you do your duty and for doing your duty you get a nice good set of clothes. (Remarque 79)
    7. Why does Tjaden not worry about going to "the clink", or jail?
    Tjaden doesn’t worry about going to the clink or jail because he know that the war will be over.
    8. What did school not teach these soldiers? Use a quote as support.
    The school did not teach the soldiers how to “ how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet would – nor that it is best to stick a bayonent in the belly because there it doesn’t get jammed as it doesin the ribs” (Remarque 85). They were meaning that most of the things that the school taught you were useless because they didn’t use it for anything during the war and because the school didn’t teach them anything that was useful for the war they had to learn by themselves on how to survive.

  5. 1. kat didnt shoot because the recruits were around. if i was kat, i would have shot because i would want things to end.

    2. “five killed and eight wounded” (73)

    3. the word is repeated several times, because the death that was going on was not that big of a deal to them, after all they have been through.

    4. they killed lice by using “boot-polish tin with a piece of wire over the lighted stump of a candle” (75)

    5.“Himmeltoss has come” (76)

    6. he enjoys being in the army, because he gets what he needs.

    7. tjaden thinks the 5 days in the clink= 5 days rest from war

    8. the school didnt teach them “how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood” (85)

    jun ogawa a1

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 1. Kat did not shoot the injured soldier because he did not want other people to see him shoot the injured people. If I were him, I would definitely shoot them. It is better for them to get shot and die than suffer through pain. Furthermore, not even doctors were able to cure them.

    2.“Our losses are less than was to be expected – five killed” (Remarque 73).

    3. “Monotonously” is repeated several times is because the situation is like deja vu There are always people dying in bombardments. Also, there are always people like Kemmerick, scared and afraid of war.

    4. Tjaden decided to bring a box (boot-polish tin) to collect them and light them on fire from a candle to kill.

    5. “Himmeltoss has come” (Remarque 76). Himmeltoss is punished for overdoing with a couple of the young recruits.

    6. Haje says, “your food’s found every day, or else you kick up a row; you’ve a bed, every week clean underwear like a perfect gent, … in the evening you’re a free man and go off to the pub” (Remarque 79). He enjoys being a soldier because he does not have to worry about food, place or payment.

    7. Tjaden does not have to worry about going to “the clink” because he can rest from the war. “Five days clink are five days rest” (Remarque 83).

    8. School did not teach them how to “light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood” (Remarque 85). Only knowledge was taught and the street ideas were not taught.

  8. 1. Kat did not shoot the injured soldier because other soldiers came from their holes, and they were only able to shoot if they were alone. I probably not shot the injured soldier, because the fact that "I murdered" is going to stick around with me for a long time, and even if it was for making the man die without suffering, I would of not done that.

    2. At the bombardment, 5 soldiers were killed. "Our losses are less than was to be expected --- five killed and eight wounded" (Remarque 73).

    3. "monotonously" means with no change, tediously repetitious. This word is repeated in the paragraph that explains how the bombardment went on; and how it is nothing unusual. This word can be applied to the larger context of war when there is a lot of killing going on. When you are not in a war, if you murder one person it is a huge deal. But at war, killing is no big deal, and it is too normal that there is nothing to be surprised about.

    4. At first they try killing lice one by one, but after getting tired of it, he kills them by putting them in a boot-polish tin and lighting to it. Haie "suggests that he brought them back from the hosital at Thourhout" (Remarque 75) since they have a red cross on their heads.

    5. "Himmelstoss has come. He appeared yesterday; we've already heard the well-known voice" (Remarque 76).

    6. Haie says that "your food's found every day, or else you kick up a row; you've a bed, every week clean underwear like a perfect gent, you do your non-com.'s duty, you have a good suit of clothes; in the evening you're a free man and go off to the pub ... and when your twelve years are up you get your pension and become the village bobby, and you can walk about the whole day ... and just you think how you'd be treated. Here a dram, there a pint. Everybody wants to be well in wit a bobby" (Remarque 79). He is happy for the things he has got; and looks at the positive side rather than the negative side of the war like others does.

    7. Tjadedoes not worry about going to the "clink"/jail, because he doesn't think being in the clink is that bad. "That doesn't worry Taden. 'Five days clink are five days rest'" (Remarque 83).

    8. "At school nobody ever taught us how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood --- nor that it is best to stick a bayonet in the belly because there it doesn't get jammed, as it does in the ribs" (Remarque 85). School is a place to study, and not to learn about useful things in survival since usually when you get educated at school, you don't end up in a situations like that. However, there are many things that can be taught in war by their experience and not at school.

    Suzu Hiroyama
    Literature A2

  9. 1. Kat did not shoot the injured soldier because a little group was gathering, from the shell-holes and trenches appear head so if they shot him, it would have feared the recruits. I would have done the same thing because he had desire to live. I would have shot him if he said to shoot himself.
    2. "Our losses are less than was to expected-five killed and eight wounded."(Remarque,73)
    3. In my opinion, it is because everybody were exhausted and silent so all they heard was the raindrops and lorries sound.
    4. "So Tjaden has rigged up the lid of a boot-polish tin with a piece of wire over the lighted stump of a candle. The lice are simply thrown into this little pan. Crack! and they're done for."(Remarque,75) Haie suggests that he brought them back fro the hospital at Thourhout, where they attended personally on a surgeon-general and use the fat that slowly accumulates in the tin lid for polishing his boots.
    5. "Himmelstoss has come."(Remarque,76)
    6. Haie enjoys being in the army because he gets all the necessaries that he needs for living for free. Army provides the food, cloth, and shelter for him.
    7. Tjaden has no worry about going to “the clink” or jail, because going to the clink is like having a rest because he doesn't have to fight. “Five days clink are five days rest.” (Remarque,83)
    8. "At school nobody ever taught us how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood.”(Remarque,85)

  10. 1. He did not kill the soldier because there were other recruits. If Kat had killed the soldier in front of the young soldiers, they would be shocked. If I was in Kat's position, I would kill him. If I was in the world field, I think there will be no feeling for killing, so I think I'm going to kill him. But I don't know, I might be scared and won't shoot him.

    2. Five soldiers were killed. "five killed and eight wounded" (Remarque 73). But Paul expected that there were more people who will be killed.

    3. I think Remarque repeated the word "monotonously", because they were in the battle field for many days, and they are already used to the death of other soldiers. The life of people dying around them is getting normal for them.

    4. They used the lid of the boot polish tin, and connect that with a wire over the lighted stump of a candle, then they will burn the lice. He plans to put the lices in to the boot-polish tin, and use it to polish his boot.

    5. "Himmelstoss has come" to the front (Remarque 76).

    6. He enjoys being in the army because they do not have to do their chores, such as laundry, and cooking. Also, after retiring for 12 years, they will provide you home, and do what you want to do all day.

    7. He says that "Five days clink are five days rest" (Remarque 83). He thinks positive. If he get arrested, he is able to rest, and if he is arrested for more then a year, he thinks that war will be already finished when he comes out.

    8. The school did not teach them how to survive in the war field. They were not the street smart at first when they became soldiers. "At school nobody ever taught us how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood" ()Remarque 85).

  11. 1. He did not shoot because recruit and other man gathered around. He did not want to kill his own man in front of the rookies. Harsh reality for them to see.
    2. "Our losses are less than was to be expected --- five killed and eight wounded" (Remarque 73). Five die.
    3. “Monotonously” shows how war has become normal to the men. How it just became part of the routine. Nothing new, nothing bright and interesting. Everything dull. War has made them loose colors. Seeing death right in front of their eyes.
    4. Tjaden puts them in a boot-polish pin and burn them to death.
    5. “Himmelstoss has come” (Remarque 76) to the front.
    6. Everything other than war, army is a great place to be in. He even wishes to stay after the war. It is because everything is set and ready for you. “Your food’s found every day .[…]. you have a good suit of clothes; in the evening you’re a free man and go off to the pub” (Remarque 79).
    7. Tjaden is not worried because if you are in the “clink” you get to rest.
    8. School has not taught them what you can experience in the front. “nor how a fire could be made with wet wood—nor that it is best to stick a bayonet in the belly because there it doesn’t get jammed, as it does in the ribs”(Remarque 85). School does not teach anything that can be used in the fields or survival.

  12. 1.  Why does Kat not shoot the injured soldier?  What would you have done if you had been there?
    He will shot if there is no one except for Paul but there was a little group recruits were around so he changed his mind.

    2.  How many die in the bombardment? Use quote as support.
    It says "five killed and eight wounded" (Remarque 73) and also it says "Our losses are less than was to be expected" (Remarque 73), which means five soldiers died in short time and it is very short time to die five people in our age.

    3.  On Pg. 74, "monotonously" is repeated several times.  Why?  How can this word be applied to the larger context of war?
    It shows how usually soldiers do in the war because they do everything in monotonously over and over so it is normal for them. Using monotonously in the sentences, it adds a impact for each movement or event in war.

    4.  How do they kill lice and how does Haie plan on using them?
    They were killing one by one at the first but there were a lot of lice so he collected in a boot polish tin and "He says he means to use the fat that slowly accumulates in the tin-lid for polishing his boots" (Remarque 76).

    5.  Who is arriving at the front? Use a quote as support.
    "Himmelstoss has come" (Remarque 76) to the front of them.

    6.  Why does Haie enjoy being in the army?
    He wish that if he being army after war ends because you don't have any trouble about and everything will be provided without working but I think " If man will not work, he shall not eat."

    7.  Why does Tjaden not worry about going to "the clink", or jail?
    He doesn't worry about going to "the clink" because he said that "Five days clink are five days rest" (Remarque 83).

    8.  What did school not teach these soldiers?  Use a quote as support.
    School did not taught "how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet woodーnor that it is best to stick a bayonet in the belly…in the ribs" (Remarque 85). School did not teach them that are useful in real life and they all believe that are rubbish.

  13. 1) Kat did not shoot the soldier because the rookies were staring at them, so they do not want to set a bad image about them, in front of the new recruits. I would have waited till everyone is gone, then ill shoot the suffering soldier
    2) “Our losses are less tan was to expected- five killed and eight wounded”(Remarque 73).
    3) The repetition of monotonously, shows the lack of interest in the soldier life. Everything that is happening is boring and nothing excites the soldier, as if the soldier is bored and dull.
    4) The kill the lice by throwing them in the frying pan and cooking them. The fried lice then are collected in the shoe polish tin and use the fat from the lice to make shoe polish.
    5) “Himmelstoss has come. He appeared yesterday; we’ve already heard the well known voice”(Remarque 76).
    6) Haie likes the army because the life of a normal civilian was just boring and corrupted. He prefers to “”If I were a non-com. I’d stay with the Prussian and serve out my time”(Remarque 78).
    7) The click for Tjaden is like rest for him. As the war goes on, going to the clink, means a break in his work, so going to the clink is like going on a holiday trip.
    8) At school they didn't teach the luxury life style that you could have in the military. “nobody has ever taught us how to light a cigarrete in the storm of rain, nor how fire could be made with wet wood- nor how to stick a bayonet in the belly because there it doesn't get jammed, as it goes in the ribs”(Remarque 85).

  14. 1. Kat did not shoot the injured soldier because there was a group of people who were gathering around Kat. If I was there, I would just stand there and do nothing.

    2. Five soldiers were killed in the bombardment. This number was "less than was to be expected" (Remarque 73).

    3. Monotonously is repeated several times because war is actually monotonous. When someone shoots, someone dies. When they die, they cry or scream and these repeat over until the war ends.

    4. Tjaden throws the lice into the lid of a boot-polish tin. Haie plans to use them to polish his boots.

    5. Himmelstos was the one who arrived at the front. "Tjaden has been meditating for hours what to say to him" (Remarque 76).

    6. Haie enjoys being in the army because there are foods, bed, good clothes and a pub.

    7. Tjaden is not worried about going to the clink because for him, clink is a place to rest.

    8. The school did not teach the way to "light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood" (Remarque 85).

    A1 Lit

  15. 1. Kat didn't shoot the injured soldier because there were other rookies on the scene, he does not want them to see that or else the rookies will be more frighten. If it was me then I would agree to let Kat shoot the injured soldier because there was no ways to save the soldier's life and he had to suffer for the last few minutes he have so why not just release him from the pain.
    2. After the bombardment “five killed and eight wounded” (Remarque 73).
    3. The word monotonously means sounded in one unvarying tone and this novel is about the split second of silence during the war. The novel described how they can no longer hear the guns and explosion but only the minor things happening during the war.
    4. They scrapes the lice of their skin into a boot-polish tin and then they heat the tin with fire. Haie was planning on using the fat that slowly accumulates in the tin-lid for polishing his boots.
    5. Himmelstoss was the one that arrived at the camp. “Himmelstoss has come. He appeared yesterday; we've already heard the well-known voice” (Remarque 76). He was send to the camp because he was caught tormenting this recruits.
    6. Haie really like the army because he does not like his old job as digging peat. He wanted to become army officer.
    7. Tjaden wasn't afraid of being lock in the clink because when you are lock in you actually get some rest time.
    8. School did not taught them how to survive out I the fields. “ At school nobody ever taught us how to light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood” (Remarque 85). When it comes to survive in the wilderness, the things you learned in school are useless.

  16. 1.Kat didn’t shoot that injured soldier because there is more soldier so two of them are note alone. And if I were there I will shoot for sure, because is better for him.

    2. There has five soldier died in the bombardment, “Our losses are less than was to be expected – five killed” (Remarque 73).

    3.”monotonously” shows how those were used to be in the war, because war is not as new as they know, nothing interesting anymore.

    4.They killed lice by put them in the boot-polish pin and them cook them.

    5. "Himmelstoss has come" (Remarque 76).

    6. He enjoyed being in the army because they provides everything like place, food and also cloth, and he got more freedom in there.

    7. “Five days clink are five days rest.” (Remarque,83) because he thinks going to clink is just have the nice place to have the rest without being in the war to flight.

    8. The school didn’t teach them how to "light a cigarette in a storm of rain, nor how a fire could be made with wet wood" (Remarque 85).
